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Label: Tencent Cloud Standard S2 Server

Tencent Cloud Enterprise Juhui Server 15% off 2-core 4G3M 1038 yuan/3 years 10000 yuan voucher subsidy

At the end of May 2020, Tencent Cloud Enterprise Juhui Campaign started, with 15% discount for all servers, 10000 yuan voucher subsidy, standard s2 server 2-core 4G3M 1038 yuan/3 years, and many other cloud servers configured at ultra-low prices. Let's follow Mr. Wei to see the details. Tencent Cloud Activity Page Activity Time: 2020

How much is the 50G cloud disk configuration model of Tencent cloud 1-core 1G server? How to choose?

How much is the 50G cloud disk configuration model of Tencent cloud 1-core 1G server? How to choose? The optional models of Tencent Cloud's 1-core 1G memory ECS include standard S2/SA1/S4. Students who first contact Tencent Cloud will be confused. How should I choose so many different models? Which is better? In order to answer questions for new students

The difference/price between the standard S2/S3 and computational C2/C3 models of Tencent Cloud 4-core 8G memory ECS and how to choose them?

Tencent Cloud 4-core 8G memory ECS is commonly divided into four different models: standard S2 model, standard S3 model, computing C2 model and computing C3 model. The reason why the standard S3 and computational C3 are not mentioned in the title of this article is that during the Tencent cloud triple fold server activity, the 4-core 8G memory of these two models

2019 Tencent Cloud Spring Purchase Festival S2 server Hong Kong 1-core 1G memory 1M bandwidth 199 yuan/year AMD server 1-core 2G memory 1M bandwidth 238 yuan/year

In the last few days of the 2019 Tencent Cloud New Year Purchase Festival, Tencent Cloud launched a standard S2 server in Hong Kong, with a 1-core 1G memory and a 1M bandwidth of 199 yuan/year; AMD server 1 core 2G memory 1M bandwidth 238 yuan/year. Both servers are entry-level configuration models with high cost performance. In order to facilitate students to enjoy

Detailed configuration of Tencent Cloud standard S2 and how to select it?

The standard S2 server of Tencent Cloud is the main recommended ECS model of Tencent Cloud at present, which adopts Intel ® xeon ® Broadwell processor with DDR4 memory. The standard S2 instance is a new generation of standard instances. This series provides balanced computing, memory and network resources, and is a good choice for many applications