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Label: Tencent ECS 10% off

Tencent ECS 10% off, select one core, 2G, 99 yuan/year, 349 yuan/year

Tencent cloud server selected seckill discount activity started, and the discount reached an outrageous 10%. At the end of the first purchasing season, we also welcomed a select second kill activity. It seems that Tencent Cloud is alive and active. Whether it's a purchase season or a quick kill event, we hope to give you enough support at this extraordinary moment, and cloud computing can help us

Why did Lao Wei recommend Tencent ECS for the 2019 Double 11 Discount?

The double 11 of 2019 has passed, and the smoke of discount promotions by major cloud computing businesses has not completely dissipated. Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Huawei Cloud and other cloud computing giants have made new and old users happy and unrestrained with the big promotion of 10% off during the double 11 of 2019. A few days ago, Lao Wei wrote about the Double 11 event and recommended Alibaba Cloud. Today, let's talk about Tencent Cloud