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Label: website filing

What are the meanings and differences of ECS account real name authentication, domain name real name system and website filing

What is the difference between ECS account real name authentication, domain name real name system and domain name filing? There are many requirements of the Administration when building a website in China. If you plan to build a website in China, the three certifications mentioned above must be completed before you can open a website. Some newcomers are confused by the three certifications. They don't know which is which and what is the matter. Weieis Blog shares them

Answers to questions about the filing of Tencent cloud website - can it be filed

Can Tencent Cloud carry out website filing? In the process of operating Tencent Cloud website filing, Lao Wei came across many questions. In order to facilitate everyone to learn and quickly file, he summarized and shared relevant knowledge and experience on whether to file. 1. Can one Tencent cloud account record two companies at the same time? No. Different companies belong to different entities, and only one Tencent cloud account can be filed

be careful! The domain name has been filed out of the new regulation, and the empty shell website has been cancelled

Recently, I received a reminder email from Alibaba Cloud that the domain names that have been filed with Alibaba Cloud do not currently point to Alibaba Cloud's domestic servers. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, they are empty shell websites. If they fail to pass the re inspection three working days later, the website access information will be deleted, and the website registration number may be cancelled, and the website access will be stopped. Seeing this notice really scared me