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Label: Baidu search resource platform

Baidu search resource platform day level submission inheritance site quick collection

In April 2020, Baidu offline the hourly and weekly submission functions. Recently, even the day level submission function of the mobile zone of the search resource platform was "suspended", which immediately added the site quick inclusion function. This quick recording function can only be set by inheriting bear paw ID rights. Today, let's take a look at the setting process. Site Quick Collection

Make good use of the feedback center of Baidu search resource platform to quickly solve website problems

The feedback center of Baidu search resource platform is one of the information communication platforms provided by Baidu to webmasters. Weieis blog is often used to feedback the problems existing in the website, and from the results of many communications, it is really an effective communication channel. I dare not enjoy such a good product alone. In this article, Lao Wei shares the usage and effect of this function. I used Baidu once before