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Elementor Page 2

Knowledge of Elementor Page Editor

How to set and use the Elementor directory (table of contents)?

The Elementor directory (table of contents) is an element commonly used in articles to help visitors sort out the article structure and quickly locate the content they want to see. At the same time, SEO optimization of search engine also has advantages, making the data captured by spiders more organized. There is no such directory element in many themes, so you can only rely on the

How to solve the Elementor 500 error

There are many reasons for the Elementor 500 error, most of which are server problems. For example, PHP has insufficient allocated memory, poor compatibility with a plug-in, script timeout and other reasons. In this article, Weieis' notes share the reasons and solutions for 500 errors in using Elementor

How does Elementor Pro create a pop-up product inquiry form

Previously, Wei Aisi's notes introduced the popup pop-up function designed by Elementor. This time, Lao Wei shared how to use Elementor to create pop-up product inquiry menus. This is where the popup pop-up function is used, which is also a record of the actual operation process. First, we use Elementor Pro to add a product detail page, and then

How can the Elementor editor add pop ups?

Popup popup is a common pop-up page function on many e-commerce websites, which can be used for promotions, discounts, notifications, emergencies, login forms, checkout forms, shopping carts, subscription forms, cookies, related articles and other use scenarios. Many WordPress do not have this function and can only be completed by third-party plug-ins, or by Eleme

How to Use Elementor Short Code to Improve the Efficiency of Site Construction

Elementor short code is also called short code or short code, which is equivalent to labeling complex functions. Complex functions are automatically called wherever this label is posted on the website. Just modify the function itself, and you can synchronize to all places where you want to shorten the code. For example, short code is often used in the Woocommerce plug-in, Header Foo

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Element page/article page/template customization

When editing a page/article page/template, click the small ruler wheel at the lower left corner of the editing area to enter the page setting function area, where you can customize the title, feature image, font color, style, CSS code and other options. Note: This is not a global setting. It is only for the user-defined options of the current page. Modifying settings is only effective for the current page. 1...

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