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Astra Theme

Subject knowledge of Astra

How to choose Kadence theme and Astra theme to build websites?

Kadence theme and Astra theme are both foreign website building themes, and both belong to lightweight themes. Which theme is more lightweight, and which theme is more appropriate when building a website. Weiss notes share relevant views in this article. 1、 Similarities Lao Wei found that these two themes had the following similar characteristics after summarizing. They are all lightweight themes. The lighter the theme, the more

How to set news/blog page for Astra theme?

Astra blog function is a news/blog page in enterprise websites and foreign trade websites. The published content uses articles/post to display enterprise, product news, blog content, etc. The Astra blog function is closely combined with the WordPress system customization function, and it is also very simple to set up. 1. Set the blog page in Astr

Astra theme demo demo station template Electrician electrician

Electrician electrician is one of the free templates of the Astra theme demo demonstration station, and is the company website that provides electrician services. Free use by Astra theme. This theme belongs to the display nature of B2B/B2C, and there is no online transaction, so the layout structure is relatively simple. 1. Deploy Electrician

Astra theme demo demo station Makeup Artist makeup master

Makeup Artist makeup master template is a makeup studio template in the Astra theme demo demonstration station, which is provided by Astra theme for download and free use. This theme is suitable for cosmetics websites, and can also be extended to beauty websites. 1. Deploy the Astra theme demo demo station and prepare two things: Ast

How can I add bread crumbs to the Astra theme?

The Astra theme breadcrumb function guides visitors to the path of the current website page, not only knowing where they are now, but also displaying other relevant pages/articles and other content. You can even customize the display of breadcrumbs anywhere on the article/page. Bread crumbs are the path displayed on the website page, or the navigation link. Visitors can click bread crumbs to quickly return to

How can I add multiple elements in the Astra Header/Footer Generator?

Anyone who has used the Astra Header and Footer Generator will be impressed by its ingenious design and easy to use functions. When there is a need for more header/footer elements in a website, you can also add multiple elements manually. If you don't know how to use Astra Header/Footer Generator, please go to Astra Theme Header Generator How to use it

How do I use the Astra Footer Generator to create a website footer?

The Astra footer generator is a shortcut for designing footers in Astra. The footer is the area displayed at the bottom of your website, although it is the last area seen by visitors. But it's important. The content performance of the footer can have a certain impact on the user retention rate, conversion rate, subscription and other aspects. Weiss notes share how to use the Astra page in this article