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Differences between Bluehost US Station and Bluehost China Station

Some of the people who do foreign trade in China set up their own websites, which are usually placed in American space for customers to visit. Relatively speaking, it is recognized that the relatively good foreign trade space in China is Bluehost space, and Bluehost has adopted the way of agent operation in the way of entering China, which has led to the existence of Bluehost China and Bluehost USA These two statements.

Let's take a look at the results of Baidu's search for bluehost, as shown below:


The first place is the bidding price of Bluehost China, the second place is a recommendation website, the third place is the natural ranking of Bluehost China, and also applied for Baidu "official website" certification. The fourth place is Bluehost US Station , pay attention to the differences between domain names.

If you can't open the U.S. bluehost website there, you can normally open the U.S. bluehost website by FQ, and this kind of software can also be used to find customers on foreign websites in the future.

The official website of bluehost in the United States is as follows:

Click me to visit the bluehost US station

Since the beginning of 2014, some netizens have found that domestic visits www.bluehost.com It will automatically jump to the secondary domain name website( cn.bluehost.com )This secondary domain name is a Chinese site, which is known as Bluehost China. In fact, China Station is a host product operated by ResellerClub, and Bluehost America are both subsidiaries acquired by the same consortium, that is, they are nominally brothers. However, their data are not interconnected, and China's is independent, so you need to pay attention to screening when purchasing.

Since 2014, domestic websites and foreign trade circles have criticized Bluehost in many ways. Some say that BH is becoming more and more unstable, some say that the Wp blog on BH cannot be opened, and many new foreign trade practitioners ask everywhere: How about bluehost China station The difference, relationship and which is more stable between bluehost China and the United States Of. More people visit Bluehost China Station in China, and the problems after buying space are all attributed to Bluehost America. Too many things like that have happened.

Then the domain name jumps to the China station, How to Distinguish Bluehost China from Bluehost America What about?

The domain name is in front of www instead of cn, and the website interface is in English. Bluehost America is the only one without online QQ customer service.


The domain name starts with cn, there is online QQ customer service, and the Chinese station has a Chinese interface. The Chinese website also has an English interface, but the domain name starts with cn, which is not wrong.



The official website of bluehost in China is as follows:

Click me to visit Bluehost China

We will not comment on the advantages and disadvantages. Old Wei has never used the China Station and has no right to speak. Old Wei just tells you the difference between the two. Of course, if you want to use Bluehost China's service, you can also use the website starting with cn. The specific login method can be found on it.

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Article name: Differences between Bluehost US Station and Bluehost China Station
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/991.html
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