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Alibaba Cloud's enterprise mailbox is safe and stable. Five accounts can be trusted by millions of enterprises. It only costs 600 yuan/year

Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Mailbox It is a secure and stable business mailbox product developed by Alibaba Cloud for companies and enterprises. The corporate mailbox has long been a red sea. After years of trial and error, major brands such as 163 mailbox, Sina mailbox, Hotmail mailbox and so on have firmly occupied the majority of the domestic market. Now follow Weieis blog to see what Alibaba Cloud can quickly seize the mailbox market in just a few years and what advantages it has.

1、 Money saving strategies for receiving AliCloud products

In order to promote the sales of AliCloud, AliCloud has released a thousand yuan voucher to everyone, which can be used to offset when purchasing AliCloud 100+products. Starting at 50 yuan, the more you buy, the more money you save. Before purchasing AliCloud products Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package. Here, Old Wei also wants to tell you a money saving strategy. If you purchase multiple AliCloud products after receiving them, first select the specifications and configurations (don't click to purchase immediately), then put the products into the shopping cart in succession, and make the final one-time payment. Remember to check the use of AliCloud vouchers, so that you can use the vouchers to the extreme and save the most money.

2、 Alibaba Cloud mailbox specification and price

Standard edition
Enterprises in high-speed development period prefer to purchase on demand
Group version
Suitable for multi domain and multi management background of group enterprises
Exclusive edition
Including approval/travel application/one-stop office
No maximum number of accounts, purchase on demand
Customized enterprise brand image data monitoring and backup
7 * 24-hour hotline+work order support
Including standard version
Independent Domain Independent Permission Management
Independent enterprise address book
Including standard version
Workflow customization and approval
Travel management
Unlimited account capacity 10G accessory transfer station
20G enterprise network disk 5G personal network disk
Unlimited account capacity 10G accessory transfer station
20G enterprise network disk 5G personal network disk
Unlimited account capacity 10G attachment transfer station 50G enterprise network disk 10G personal network disk
600 yuan/5 account number/year First collect coupons >> Re purchase 9500/100 account number/year First collect coupons >> Re purchase 1400/10 account number/year First collect coupons >> Re purchase

Here, Alibaba Cloud provides a customized quantity purchase mode. You can enter the number of mailboxes you need to purchase on demand. This is practical and not wasteful. Generally, if a start-up enterprise just needs corporate email without more requirements, it is most cost-effective to start from the standard version with at least 5 accounts; Group enterprises start with 100 accounts, providing more management rights; For group enterprises with travel approval and workflow approval requirements, you can choose the exclusive version. Here, Lao Wei feels a little ERP system, which is closer to the actual requirements of the enterprise's work and more practical.

3、 Why AliCloud Mailbox

Regardless of price, Alibaba Cloud Email is built on the same Apsara Cloud service architecture as Taobao, Tmall and Alibaba, with excellent stability; The same security architecture as Alipay, the trillions financial level security system, provides all-round protection from the inside out, without fear of being invaded; With the help of the mail nailing function, you can also view the read but unread status of the mail; Relying on Alibaba Cloud's self built global data center, there are barrier free communication channels for both domestic and foreign mails; 7 * 24 professional engineer services are all the benefits that Alibaba Cloud enterprise mailboxes can enjoy.

4、 How to select Alibaba Cloud enterprise mailbox version

A number of domestic group enterprises have chosen the Alibaba Cloud mailbox+nailing method to help enterprises communicate. Here are some examples for your reference.

1. The Jingrun Pearl enterprise has a scale of 1000-2000 people, and its open version is Alibaba Cloud's corporate mailbox group version+nail. It has achieved higher confidentiality, accuracy and smoothness in internal and external communication of the enterprise, and has perfectly combined nail chat with the group's branches, stores and agents to make communication more efficient.

2. The Invisa brand marketing company has an enterprise size of 500-10000 people, and the launched version is the exclusive Alibaba Cloud mailbox version. With the efficiency of Alibaba Cloud mailbox, emails published on any platform can be recorded and saved, and can be easily searched when needed. It is convenient and efficient to use.

3. Maya Tourism Products Co., Ltd. has an enterprise scale of 500-1000 people, and the open version is: corporate mailbox group version+nail. The mail sent can be seen as read but not read through the nail; In the past, many chat software had many different address books, which was troublesome to maintain. Now, only one address book needs to be maintained, which is effective and convenient for communication.

4. Greentown Real Estate Group has an enterprise scale of 2000-5000 people, and the opening version is: standard version of corporate mailbox+nails. Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Mailbox helps the group get through the unified authentication and management between mailboxes and internal OAs, and also provides an efficient email receiving and sending experience.

Depending on the size and needs of the above companies and groups, you can select Alibaba Cloud mailbox versions by referring to the size and needs of your own companies.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud's mailbox is safe and stable. Five accounts can be trusted by millions of enterprises. It only costs 600 yuan/year
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/9866.html
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