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Before purchasing Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers, be sure to check the website filing points

Alibaba Cloud Lightweight application server It is an ECS integrated with many practical functions launched by Alibaba Cloud for market demand. Because it is different from ECS, there are also some special requirements to understand in terms of filing before purchasing lightweight application servers. Some netizens caused some problems because they did not know the relevant knowledge in advance, and they consulted Weieis blog to solve them. So Lao Wei listed these problems here. He hoped that every friend who bought Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers would look at the knowledge points in this article before paying, and then he could buy his own lightweight application servers.

1、 Get AliCloud vouchers

before Click me to get it AliCloud 1888 yuan voucher has the advantage that the purchase of AliCloud 100+products can offset the amount, or it can be combined with other discounts. If you buy multiple AliCloud products, put them in the shopping cart first (don't click to buy immediately), select the specifications and configurations, and put all the products in the shopping cart. Then check the use of vouchers, and finally pay together to maximize the discount and save money. This is an effective way to save money that Lao Wei and his friends summarized when they bought Alibaba Cloud products for a long time.

2、 Number of lightweight application servers that can be filed

One lightweight application server supports five filing service numbers.

3、 Rules for filing lightweight application servers
1. From May 21, 2018, the purchase of lightweight application servers requires 3 months or more (it is also possible to renew the cumulative duration) before applying for a filing service number. However, the lightweight application servers purchased before May 21, 2018 are still subject to the original filing service number rules.

2. A friend has only bought a lightweight application server for one month, so it is impossible to apply for a filing service number according to the rules. What should we do if we encounter this problem? At this time, you can renew it for another 2 months, so that the total purchase time has reached 3 months, and you can apply for a filing service number.

3. A friend who has bought a lightweight application server for more than three months can apply for a filing service number before it expires. If the server is not renewed during or after the filing, although the filing is successful, the filing number may be cancelled during Alibaba Cloud's self inspection and self correction, affecting website access.

4、 Specification and price of lightweight application server

60 yuan/month 95 yuan/month 145 yuan/month 260 yuan/month 360 yuan/month
CPU 1 core 1 core 1 core 1 core 1 core
Memory 1GB 1GB 2GB 4GB 8GB
bandwidth 1M bps Peak limit 3M bps Peak limit 5M bps Peak limit 8M bps Peak limit 10M bps
SSD hard disk 20GB 40GB 40GB 60GB 80GB
Monthly traffic 500GB per month 1000GB per month 1500GB per month 2000GB per month
Direct link Click me directly Click me directly Click me directly Click me directly Click me directly

Where can I find a lightweight application server?

AliCloud homepage>>Products>>Lightweight application servers, just click Open.

5、 These related articles may interest you


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How to select Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers?

You must get the AliCloud voucher before you buy it. Remember to put all the cloud products in the shopping cart. It is most cost-effective to pay together later. A friend bought a lightweight application server for a month, but found that it did not meet the official requirements and could not apply for a filing service number, so he could not file the website. He thought that Alibaba Cloud was very flawed, but he did not know how to solve it. After reading the key article of Weieis blog, he should know how to do it.

In fact, Mr. Wei's understanding of Alibaba Cloud's doing so is reasonable. A few years ago, when the website filing system was not so strict, someone took advantage of the loophole to buy a month long virtual machine in China, applied for a website filing number, and then went to buy a foreign host to build a sideline or illegal website (because some functions require a filing number to complete); Or someone who bought a domain name for one year in China and got the registration number did not renew the domain name and was snatched by others to do the above gray website. Later, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology found more and more similar situations, and simply asked domestic businesses to check and correct themselves. If they found that the domain name registration was not here, they would delete the registration. You only bought a lightweight application server for one month, Filing alone will take more than half a month. For various reasons, they will ask to buy at least three months (as long as AliCloud files). These are all old Wei's guesses. Whether it's the requirements of the management department or the marketing means, if you really want to learn how to build a website, it will take you several months to understand, get started and become familiar with it.

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Article name: "Be sure to see the website filing points before purchasing Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/9848.html
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