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How to choose a lightweight application server/ECS ECS/virtual host for Alibaba Cloud Pratt&Whitney website building?

Alibaba Cloud Inclusive Website The plan is a website building project prepared by Alibaba Cloud for friends who are new to ECS. It is suitable for novice website building. Previously posted on Weieis blog AliCloud Pratt&Whitney website building host can be as low as 14 yuan/month, lightweight application server 1 core/1G/3M bandwidth/40G SSD/500G traffic package/350 yuan/year This activity was briefly introduced in the article of, because a friend asked how to choose the plan of building a Pratt&Whitney website, so he took this opportunity to make a detailed horizontal comparison to help everyone to select the cloud server that suits their needs as soon as possible.

1、 Planned price and configuration of Alibaba Cloud Pratt&Whitney website

1. This event can be found in the special area on Alibaba Cloud's home page. Before purchasing AliCloud products Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, starts from 50 yuan. Here, Lao Wei said a way to save money when buying Alibaba Cloud products. We get vouchers first, and then put the selected configurations of each product into the shopping cart (don't click Buy Now). After selecting all the products to buy, go to the shopping cart to check the AliCloud voucher, and finally make payment to offset a large amount of money, so as to achieve the goal of saving money.

2. Configuration and price

Lightweight application server: 1 core CPU/1G memory/3M peak broadband/40G SSD/500G traffic package

Price: 350 yuan/year, 790 yuan saved Purchase link: Click me directly

ECS: 1-core 1G 1M broadband 40G system disk

Price: 322/year, saving 410 yuan Purchase link: Click me directly

In addition, there is a virtual host with one core, 1G CPU memory and 2M/3M peak broadband. However, Lao Wei recommends using a lightweight application server, which will be described below.

2、 How to choose a lightweight application server/ECS ECS/virtual host

1、 Lightweight application server It supports multiple remote login modes, including SSH software and remote desktop RDP mode. It is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprise users who develop personal projects, create personal blogs, private cloud disks and other technology enthusiasts, and students build website environments and businesses at the initial stage.

Click me directly Lightweight application server

be careful: It must be at least 3 months to purchase an ECS. If it is less than 3 months, website filing cannot be performed in mainland China!

Because of the characteristics of lightweight application servers, they can start applications with one button, manage applications and operation and maintenance in a one-stop manner, and have a wealth of integrated product functions. Moreover, we all know that there is a big gap between the performance of ordinary cloud disks and SSD hard disks. All lightweight application servers use SSD storage, and their I/O performance is excellent.

2. ECS is a virtual computing environment that includes CPU, memory, operating system, disk, bandwidth and other basic server components. It is suitable for IT start-ups, Internet companies, website building companies, etc. with strong technical capabilities, serving traditional industry enterprises that have a large demand for servers. In terms of operation and maintenance, it has the highest management authority, and can completely create the ECS instance as you want, and deploy the environment, install software and other operations.

The elastic capacity expansion function of ECS is very powerful. It supports online bandwidth upgrade (without downtime). With the expansion of business, you can also upgrade CPU and memory in 5 minutes. Alibaba Cloud does not need to participate in this, but you can do it yourself.

3. The virtual host itself has no permission to log in to the server, and cannot customize the server or running environment configuration. It can only be used to build a website and cannot be used for other business purposes. The virtual host has a low degree of freedom and many restrictions.

4. Old Wei often meets friends who build websites with AVADA and THE7, and can't use templates normally when encountering various restrictions. He can't solve this problem because he uses a virtual host. In fact, it's not just wordpress programs. Lao Wei also encountered various restrictions of many programs in the virtual host that cannot be solved. The advantage of virtual host is that it is easy to get started. In the past, many people did not use ECS because they could not use it. Now it is different with lightweight application servers. From the perspective of ease of use, the lightweight application server is even better than the virtual host. The management interface of the lightweight application server is easy to build a website, and the virtual host does not have such a simple and easy to understand management interface.

More related articles: What is the difference between the price of Alibaba Cloud lightweight servers and the performance of ECS servers

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In general, Alibaba Cloud Pratt&Whitney recommends that lightweight application servers be preferred in building its website. From the perspective of novices, ease of use, and practicality, it is the best choice.

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Article name: How to choose Alibaba Cloud Pratt&Whitney lightweight application server/ECS ECS/virtual host
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/9774.html
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