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Alibaba Cloud Email Push Tutorial can be used to promote e-commerce activities

Alibaba Cloud email push It is an email notification function provided by Alibaba Cloud for websites, which is used to subscribe to the push content for registered members and members. This is also the multi-channel promotion method of the website. Today, email push is one of the promotion channels that Weieis Blog will talk about.

1、 Alibaba Cloud mail push specifications

50000 seals The more resources, the cheaper the unit price 500000 1 million 5 million
81 yuan/6 months 756 yuan/6 months 1431 yuan/6 months 6975 yuan/6 months
Coupon purchase

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2、 Scope of use of Alibaba Cloud email push

1. Notification email, such as registration notification, transaction notification, verification password, system notification and other system emails;

2. Batch mail: subscription mail sent to members, such as product promotion, user care, journal information, etc.

Alibaba Cloud only allows sending commercial emails that have been approved by the user's active subscription. The recipient's address comes from the member's registration information. The content sent is the user's active subscription. Non licensed spam is not allowed to be sent. In fact, you should not do too much in actual use. For example, if you send a copy of a group email, it is easy to get into the dustbin or even be sealed if the advertisement smells too strong.

3、 Alibaba Cloud Email Push Usage Process

1. New Domain Name

Create a new domain name in the sending domain name of the email push console. After the domain name is set to be verified, click Configure. Follow the prompts on the page to add TXT records, SPF verification, MX records and CNMAE records to your domain name DNS management page. Then click Validate and wait for DNS resolution to complete.

Tip: It is not recommended to directly add the corporate mailbox domain name as the sending domain name of the mail push platform.

2. New mailing address

Create a new sending address in the sending address of the mail push console, fill in the sending domain name, account number (which can improve the recipient's trust in the mail, and indirectly improve the mail arrival rate and reading rate), sending address, reply address (must be an available email address), and sending type in turn.

After completion, it is necessary to verify the return address, so it must be invalid to scribble the email address.

The sending type is selected according to your purpose. If it is a registration notice, system notice or other trigger email; Batch mail such as activity push.

3. New Recipient List

It is to put your target customer email in the list for one-time push. Fill in the list name, alias address and description in turn. Used to distinguish different recipient lists.

4. New Template

Create a new template in Template Management, and fill in the template name, mail title, sender name, and mail body. Here is a test of your copywriting skills. How can you achieve the purpose of the promotion activities without making customers dislike you.

The created template can only be used after it is submitted for approval. Be careful not to use sensitive words.

5. New Sending Task

Fill in the recipient list, template name, sending address, sending address type, mail label, and mail tracking by creating a new sending task. These items are entered in advance, and they are also used to prepare for the final email sending task.

It is recommended to select the random address automatically generated by the system for the sending address type, so as to better track the return status.

6. Send result statistics

In the data statistics, you can view the sending data and sending details, know the number of successful and failed mails, and summarize experience for data analysis and future sending.

4、 Questions about mail promotion

Why are all emails sent into the dustbin? What should I do?

When an email enters the receiver's dustbin, its title and content are generally judged as spam by the receiver's system, that is, the level of copywriting mentioned above. The solution is to adjust the email title and content to avoid sensitive words that trigger the system's judgment.

Can the corporate mailbox domain name be used as the sending domain name of the email push platform?

Lao Wei doesn't recommend you to do this. The domain name of its own corporate email takes on the function of corporate email, and no other MX address can be added; After all, another email push also belongs to the category of group sending. If you don't know how to handle it properly, you will be recognized as a spammer by major email servers. Then, even normal business emails will be rejected in the future, which is troublesome.

5、 Is mail promotion still effective

Some people say that the era of email promotion has long passed. Many event emails will be intercepted, and many users also dislike that promotional emails will be directly thrown into the trash. What Lao Wei wanted to say was that the mail was intercepted because the content of the mail was judged as spam by the recipient system. If you put the title and content of the mail appropriately, and reasonably avoid the use of spam words, there will be a lot of mail that can effectively enter the inbox. Another problem that users dislike is how good your copywriting is. How can you prompt users to have preferential activities without being offensive and let users click to check the content of activities? This is a test of your copywriting ability.

Although some people insist that sending event emails is out of date, it is undeniable that we still receive a large number of promotional emails from various companies before large-scale e-commerce events every year, and rarely enter the dustbin. If you plan to do email promotion, you can think about how other people's copy, title, and pictures are used, enrich your own content, and improve the success rate of email push.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Email Push Tutorial can be used to promote e-commerce activities
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/9752.html
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