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Alibaba Cloud website threat scanning system: 50% off per month/1.5% off per year

Alibaba Cloud website threat scanning system The special price of "Double 11" has come out, which is 50% off per month/1.5% off per year, including the professional version (for small websites) and the enterprise version (for medium and large websites). For websites, invisible threats from the Internet have deeply affected you, but our website's defense ability is still very limited, which is nothing more than simple CC defense can only withstand small attacks, All pervasive hacker attacks and cracking also attempt to attack our website from multiple dimensions. In order to ensure the normal business operation and development of the website, we must be able to accurately identify the security risks of the website and related businesses at the first time, meet the compliance requirements, and avoid suffering brand image and economic losses. Next, follow the Weieis blog to learn more about the threat scanning system of Alibaba Cloud websites.

1、 What is Alibaba Cloud website threat scanning system

It is obvious that the website threat scanning system is a very complex prediction, detection and notification system based on big data. It mainly analyzes, judges and reminds unfriendly content related to politics, violence, terrorism, pornography, web page tampering, hidden links, backdoors of websites, spam advertisements, etc. It is a very dutiful assistant program. In this era of big data, personal ability alone is not enough to resist various attacks and sniffing. With the help of Alibaba Cloud website threat scanning system, combined with intelligence big data, white hat penetration test experience and in-depth machine learning, comprehensive website threat detection can provide comprehensive protection for business websites.

2、 Alibaba Cloud website threat scanning system configuration and price

Alibaba Cloud's website threat scanning system is divided into two different types, the professional version and the enterprise version. The enterprise version supports more and more functions. Before purchasing AliCloud products Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, starts from 50 yuan.

1 month 3 months 1 year 2 years 3 years
professional edition 3000 yuan 9000 yuan 10800 yuan Province 61200 yuan 21600 yuan Provincial 122400 yuan 32400 yuan, 183600 yuan
Enterprise Edition 10500 yuan 31500 yuan 37800 yuan, 214200 yuan 75600 yuan Provincial 428400 113400 yuan, 642600 yuan
Buy Link Click me to pick up coupons to buy

3、 The role of Alibaba Cloud website threat scanning system

Risk detection to prevent springboard attacks; Real time updated big data intelligence support; Deep professional vulnerability scanning of enterprise hosts, systems and other cloud products; Comprehensive and intelligent content detection related to pornography, violence and terrorism; Multi model monitoring of malicious acts such as tampering with hanging horses, and the first time alarm and notification processing; Finally, risk scanning report and repair suggestions are generated; Expert level auxiliary risk verification and repair guidance.

Generally, websites don't use such complex system functions. What Alibaba Cloud website threat scanning system needs are well operated websites and businesses. With the help of such an intelligent assistant, we really saved a lot of time and energy and could use it to operate the website.

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Article name: 50% off per month/1.5% off per year for Alibaba Cloud website threat scanning system
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/9722.html
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