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Resolution process that WP Optimize plug-in cannot start

Weieis blog met WP Optimize plug-in failed to start In the past, the WP Optimize plug-in was used to optimize and speed up the database on a regular basis. After using it, it stopped, deleted and did not occupy system resources. In the future, if you want to use it, you can install it again. This is the prerequisite. There was a time when the optimized icon kept circling after the start. After waiting for a while, it didn't mean to end. In a hurry, Old Wei directly switched to another page, and later clicked back to stop the WP Optimize plug-in. Later, when I tried to reuse it, I found that clicking the "Enable" button did not respond, that is, the plug-in could not be enabled normally. What should I do?

At this time, I stopped to think about it, because Lao Wei forcibly switched to another page during the optimization, which may lead to problems in some functions of the plug-in. There are errors in the plug-in part of the database. The solution is to clean up this part. Action is better than heart beating. Let's find another database optimization plug-in.

We found the following optimized database after deleting revisions and searched them. They said that they are very good. Please make sure to back up the website program and database content before performing the following operations. For the webmaster, the world's most important thing is that the website was hung up without a backup, or was hung up by himself, and nobody looked at it even crying.

The specific use of this plug-in will not be discussed in detail. I optimize it all according to the default settings. After that, delete the product, reinstall the WP Optimize plug-in, click "Enable", and finally it can be used. After optimizing it with the WP Optimize plug-in once, more database garbage can be cleaned up. After that, stop it. You can decide whether to delete it. Because the frequency of use is very low, Lao Wei now installs it when he uses it and deletes it when he uses it, reducing the burden on the server.

Related articles: WP Optimize plug-in installation tutorial WordPress database optimization effect is obvious

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Methods for WordPress manual optimization and plug-in optimization of MySQL database

In this way, even if the crisis that the WP Optimize plug-in could not be enabled was solved, this situation was annoying several times. It seems that there is no such problem and solution on the network. I think more than one person should have encountered this problem. I found this solution by accident and shared it with those who need it. I hope you like it. I'm Lao Wei and I'll see you next time.

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Article name: Resolution of WP Optimize Plugin Failure to Start
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/8700.html
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