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What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instance and computing network enhanced sn1ne instance? How to choose?

Alibaba Cloud Share basic xn4 instance And Computing network enhanced sn1ne instance What's the difference? How to choose? Seeing that netizens are confused when choosing Alibaba Cloud hosts, Weiaisi Blog wrote an article to explain the idea in detail. There are many types of Alibaba Cloud hosts, and there are branches in each type. So many types of hosts are really easy to see and choose for the first time.

Today we want to talk about Alibaba Cloud servers sharing basic xn4 instances and computing network enhanced sn1ne instances. Instance is the name of Alibaba Cloud, which can be understood as virtual machine or ECS. Since these two instances have a high cost performance ratio, Lao Wei will analyze the difference between them and how to choose them from multiple perspectives.

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Alibaba Cloud computing network enhanced sn1ne instance details/preferential prices/how to choose

1、 Specifications

The following are the specifications and configurations of the shared basic xn4 and computing network enhanced sn1ne instances with high usage rates. According to Alibaba Cloud big data statistics, these instances have the highest purchase rate. Weiaisi blog and friends have used it. The more you buy, the more cost-effective it is. These specifications do not limit the CPU performance and have high cost performance.

All specifications and configurations of the enhanced computing network are listed below. The prices are for reference only, Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package can be used for purchase of Alibaba Cloud products, starting from 50 yuan.

Computing network enhanced sn1ne ecs.sn1ne.large 2 vCPU 4 GB Intel Xeon 2.5 GHz 197 yuan/month Coupon purchase
ecs.sn1ne.xlarge 4 vCPU 8 GB 394 yuan/month
ecs.sn1ne.2xlarge 8 vCPU 16 GB 788 yuan/month
ecs.sn1ne.3xlarge 12 vCPU 24 GB 1182 yuan/month
ecs.sn1ne.4xlarge 16 vCPU 32 GB 1576 yuan/month
ecs.sn1ne.6xlarge 24 vCPU 48 GB 2364 yuan/month
ecs.sn1ne.8xlarge 32 vCPU 64 GB 3152 yuan/month

2、 Difference

Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 and computing network enhanced sn1ne instances are two different types. Here are the differences between the two configurations:

1. Different configurations

Sharing basic 1-core 1G: applicable to personal websites in the initial stage with small concurrent visits, economical, practical and convenient to purchase.

There are 7 types of enhanced computing network, with configurations ranging from 2-core 4G to 32 core 64G. The main application scenarios are high network receiving and sending scenarios, such as video pop-up servers, medium and large Web servers (high concurrency), large multiplayer online game (MMO) front-end, data analysis and calculation, high-precision encoding and decoding using CPU, rendering, gene computing and other fixed performance computing scenarios. These scenarios are large-scale commercial business environments. If we build basic applications such as personal blogs and websites, we can't use such highly configured servers. Shared configurations are sufficient. Of course, local tyrants should ignore them.

2. Sharing and exclusive

Sharing the basic xn4 instance is to share the CPU thread of the host with others, which may lead to competition; The computing network enhanced sn1ne instance occupies a CPU thread separately for each server, and there is no contention. In this respect, the latter has greater advantages.

It can be found that the configuration of shared basic xn4 is different from that of computing network enhanced sn1ne. The former shares CPU threads, while the latter shares CPU threads exclusively. As for the region and bandwidth, there is no difference. Click me to get it AliCloud vouchers worth 1000 yuan can deduct 50 yuan for 100 products.

3、 How to select

As mentioned above, the difference between sharing basic xn4 instances and computing network enhanced sn1ne instances is that personal blogs and websites can easily choose to share basic xn4 instances on the cloud. Although it is a 1-core 1G memory 1M configuration, it is enough to support thousands of IPs/day of visits. In the future, even if the business volume is larger, it can be upgraded smoothly. The computing network enhanced sn1ne is more suitable for commercial use by large companies, or for large projects operated by individuals. Small websites or blogs waste money and resources. That is to say, you may only have hundreds of visits/day in a few years when you set up a personal blog. But if you buy the computing network enhanced 2-core 4G configuration, only about 10% of the system resources are used, and the remaining 90% is always idle. Remember before buying Click me to get it AliCloud vouchers worth 1000 yuan can be used to offset 50 yuan for 100 products.

So much is said to hope that everyone can buy as needed, make rational use of and allocate the money and ECS resources, so as not to pull a cart with a horse (wasting money and ECS resources). If a horse pulls a cart (the business demand exceeds the configuration that the ECS can provide), it will not be able to pull, and it is time to upgrade to a higher configuration.

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Article name: What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instance and computing network enhanced sn1ne instance? How to choose
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/8618.html
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