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AliCloud lightweight application server binds and resolves domain names

Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server How to bind and resolve domain names? Because Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers integrate multiple functions, complete with one click, and are easy to operate, they are very popular once they are launched. Since many novices still don't know how to operate, Weieis blog wrote an article last time Alibaba Cloud Lightweight Application Server Purchase and Build a Wordpress Personal Blog Tutorial This time, we continue to follow the previous steps and start the operation of domain name resolution. If you need or want to learn in advance, please continue to read.

If you have not selected Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server, here is a brief introduction. The lightweight application server is a modification of Alibaba Cloud ECS. Quickly start your application with one key for 30 seconds. One stop experience of domain name resolution, website publishing, server management and other single interface integration. This one-stop functional experience is the biggest highlight of lightweight application servers, especially suitable for novices.

AliCloud lightweight application servers include the following types. The direct link below is AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher. If you buy AliCloud 100+products, you can deduct 50 yuan or more. The more you buy, the more money you save.

be careful: It must be at least 3 months to purchase an ECS. If it is less than 3 months, website filing cannot be performed in mainland China!

AliCloud lightweight application server only takes three steps to build a website, which takes three minutes: purchase a WordPress application image to create a server, set site information and application settings, and launch your own personal/enterprise website.

1. If you haven't purchased a lightweight application server, first Click me to get a thousand yuan voucher AliCloud 100+products can be deducted from 50 yuan, and you can save money if you buy them again.

2. Log in to the lightweight application server console, find the server to configure in the server list.

3. In the left navigation bar, click Site Settings>Domain Name, and click Add Domain Name on the top right of the page. If the space is too large, all the screenshots will not be taken.

If you add a domain name registered in AliCloud, or use AliCloud to resolve DNS domain names, you can resolve them directly. If the domain name does not use Alibaba Cloud to resolve DNS, you can add the domain name to Alibaba Cloud for resolution, or make an A record of the domain name to resolve to the server IP address.

3. Enter the domain name and confirm. Then the domain name will be bound and resolved successfully. Now the domain name resolution will take effect in about 10 minutes in China.

4. Click Settings>General in the navigation bar on the left side of WordPress background management interface, enter the domain name to be bound in the WordPress address and site address, with the prefix http://.

I contacted Alibaba Cloud's lightweight application server by writing a tutorial Weiaisi blog. After a few days, I felt that this cloud server is really suitable for novices, and it is very easy to get started. Even friends who have not contacted the cloud server before can easily build a website through simple self-study. In addition Click me to get a thousand yuan voucher Alibaba Cloud 100+products can be deducted from 50 yuan, which can save money. I hope friends who build ECS can choose this Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server. If you don't understand something in the process of building the website, you can enter the QQ group in the upper right corner of the website or leave a message on the WeChat public account, and Old Wei will answer it in time when he sees it.

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Article name: AliCloud Lightweight Application Server Binding and Domain Name Resolution
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/8534.html
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