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How about the Alibaba Cloud server 10% - 15% CPU performance baseline? How to choose?

Alibaba Cloud entry-level burst performance t5 instance There are requirements for CPU performance, which generally limits the CPU performance to 10% - 15%. Many friends don't quite understand what this CPU performance baseline means. Weieis Blog specially wrote this article to explain it, and also provides suggestions on how to select it for reference when you choose Alibaba Cloud ECS servers.

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Entry level configuration 10% - 15% performance baseline, better price. New and old users can buy it. One order is limited, and the original price will be restored from the second order; The longer the time is, the more favorable the price is. New users can buy 3 sets.
Burst performance t5 instance (10% performance baseline) Burst performance t5 instance (10% performance baseline) Burst performance t5 instance (15% performance baseline)
1-core 1G 40G system disk 1-core 2G 40G system disk 2-core 4G 40G system disk
293 yuan/1 year 586 yuan/2 years 879 yuan/3 years 459 yuan/year 918 yuan/year 1377 yuan/year 798 yuan/year 1596 yuan/year 2394 yuan/year
Click me to buy Click me to buy Click me to buy

Let's start with the burst performance t5 instance, because the 10% - 15% CPU performance baseline is used in this type of ECS. The specific requirements are 1 core 1G burst performance t5 instance CPU limit up to 10% performance baseline, 1 core 2G CPU limit up to 10% performance baseline, and 2 core 4G burst performance t5 instance CPU limit up to 15% performance baseline. That is to say, some CPU points will be given when the host is just opened. When the host is opened, points will be deducted. The larger the proportion of CPU used, the more points will be deducted. When the points are zero, the CPU will be limited to 10% - 15% of the maximum performance baseline operation.

Therefore, the burst performance t5 instance is suitable for Web application front-end machines, light load applications, microservices, and development and testing of pressure testing service application scenarios. It is not applicable to scenarios where the performance "baseline" is exceeded for a long time or the enterprise's stable computing performance requirements are met. If the website is built for a long time and used in a project, Weieis Blog does not recommend buying this host type.

Reference article: Long term station building and Windows system remote desktop projects should use Alibaba Cloud burst performance t5 instances carefully

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Generally speaking, if you buy a t5 instance with burst performance to be used as a host for learning, testing, backup, or activities, it is still OK. The main point is that the CPU performance should not exceed 10% - 15% for a long time. If you want to build a station for a long time and run the project for a long time, it is more appropriate to purchase a performance balanced configuration. Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, starts with a deduction of 50 yuan.

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Article name: How about Alibaba Cloud Server 10% - 15% CPU performance baseline? How to choose
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/8415.html
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