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AliCloud Member Day: 60% off for ECS/70% off for MySQL/999 yuan for OSS object storage for three years/voucher renewal/points exchange

Alibaba Cloud Member Day On September 10, members will enjoy four exclusive luxury gifts, including special price for members/full reduction for new purchases/receipt of renewal vouchers/points exchange gift
Opening time: September 10 to September 14

Activity Rules Form
1、 Activity Object
Users registered on Alibaba Cloud official website and authenticated by real name.
2、 Activity Time
Warm up period: September 3, 2018 - September 9, 2018
Official period: September 10, 2018 - September 14, 2018
3、 Activity Rules
Enjoy full reduction for new purchase
(1) During the period from September 3, 2018 to September 14, 2018, users can receive full or reduced eligibility for new purchases through the activity page. The discount range for full or reduced eligibility for new purchases is determined according to their membership level, as follows:;
• L0-L1 members: subtract 20 from 500 new purchases
• L2 members: 150 less for new purchases of 3000
• L3 members: subtract 700 from 12000 new purchases
• L4 members: reduce 2000 for new purchase of 30000

Renewal voucher
(1) From September 3, 2018 to September 14, 2018, users can get renewal vouchers through the activity page. The specifications of the renewal vouchers are determined according to their membership level, as follows:
• L0-L1 member: can get a renewal voucher of 10 yuan, and can be used when the renewal amount reaches 200 yuan
• L2 member: can get a renewal voucher of 100 yuan, and can be used if the renewal amount is more than 2000 yuan
• L3 member: can get 500 yuan renewal voucher, and can be used when the renewal amount reaches 10000 yuan
• L4 member: can get a renewal voucher of 1000 yuan, and can be used if the renewal amount is more than 20000 yuan
(2) The number of renewal vouchers is limited, first come, first served, and only when they are used up.

Points lottery
(1) From September 10, 2018 to September 14, 2018, users can use the activity page to redeem points for raffle opportunities. Every 99 points can be redeemed for one raffle, and the same user account can redeem up to three raffle opportunities in one day.
(2) The raffle prizes are divided into physical prizes and vouchers. The details are subject to the display on the activity page.

Four special gifts for members
From September 10, 2018 to September 14, 2018, users can purchase specified cloud products through the activity page and enjoy a limited time special price. The following types of AliCloud servers are recommended:

ECS computing
The ratio of CPU to memory is 1:2, and users can enjoy exclusive computing and network resources
2 core 4G/4 core 8G/8 core 16G/12 core 24G
60% off annually
¥ 1274.16/year

ECS universal
The ratio of CPU and memory is 1:4, and users can enjoy exclusive computing and network resources. Two core 8G/four core 16G/eight core 32G/twelve core 48G
60% off annually
¥ 1770.24/year

MySQL Basic Edition
Ultra high cost performance, support for self built free migration, kernel optimization, performance improvement of three times,
2-core 4G/1-core 2G/1-core 1G/2-core 8G/4-core 8G
30% off annually
¥ 1730. 40/year

Object Storage OSS
Massive storage has unlimited expansion, rich media data processing, cold and hot data storage layering, 10TB storage package 3 years/1TB storage package 3 years
Price performance first choice
¥ 999. 00/3 years

File Storage NAS
Multi end shared file storage, supporting NFS/SMB protocol, 100GB capacity storage package
¥ 99.00/year

DDoS advanced anti DDoS IP
T-level DDoS attack monitoring and cleaning capability, flexible pay per day, controllable cost, and China Unicom
Annual payment of 8.5%
¥ 222360. 00/year

SSL Certificate
Realize the HTTPS of Web sites and distribute them to other cloud products with one click
Annual payment of 8.5%
¥ 5676.30/year

Web application firewall
Solve CC, Web intrusion, and business security risks. One minute fast access, stable and fast.
Annual payment of 8.5%
¥ 39576. 00/year

An Knight
ECS personal security guard, host security software, to establish a security operation and maintenance management platform for you, enterprise version
Annual payment of 8.5%
¥ 612.00/year

SMS package
It can be used for verification code SMS, SMS notification, promotion SMS, discount notification, customer care and other scenarios
3 seconds, 99% arrival rate, three networks in one
Up to 2000 can be reduced
¥ 1820. 00/2 years

NAT gateway
Build the access of public network traffic in the VPC environment, and flexibly use network resources
Small size/medium size/large size/super large size
20% off monthly and 70% off annual
¥ 2570. 40/year

Shared traffic package
The product covers a wide range and can be used by ECS, EIP, SLB and NAT gateways that charge by traffic
3TB traffic/6TB traffic
15% off special
¥ 1923. 00/half a year

Domain name selection
Special offers for dozens of popular domain names, premium platinum words worth 5% off, and up to 2000 yuan for new purchases!

Weiaisi Blog looked at the various activities of this AliCloud Member Day, and it was quite good. ECS servers also came up with more sincere types of exclusive computing and network resources to participate in the activities, and the annual price of 60% is very affordable. Everyone needs to get coupons quickly. It is now a warm-up period, and payment can be made and purchased only when the Member Day officially starts on September 10, before buying Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, starts with a deduction of 50 yuan.

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Article name: AliCloud Member Day: 60% off for ECS/70% off for MySQL/999 yuan for OSS object storage for three years/voucher renewal/points exchange gift
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/8406.html
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