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Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instance details and usage suggestions

AliCloud shares basic xn4 instances It is a common ECS specification in Alibaba Cloud servers. Alibaba Cloud servers are divided into many different types according to the configuration requirements. Sharing basic xn4 instances is the most basic one. Because it is difficult to understand the classification and naming methods of Alibaba Cloud servers, many friends often ask questions about what Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instances are, what the specific configuration is, how I should use them, and how to choose them. Weieis Blog also wants to know about relevant knowledge, and also takes this opportunity to answer them together.

1. What is AliCloud shared basic xn4 instance

AliCloud shared basic xn4 is the last generation of entry-level instance specification family, and also a relatively mature AliCloud server product. After years of use by a large number of user groups in the production environment, it has proved that it can fully support the use of the website at the initial stage. In addition, it has been selected as the balanced performance configuration of AliCloud's national cloud computing, which is used as the starting configuration.

The advantage of Alibaba Cloud sharing basic xn4 is that it does not limit CPU usage and performance, and has a higher cost performance ratio. From Alibaba Cloud's definition of shared basic xn4, it can be seen that each CPU request is randomly allocated to any idle CPU hyper thread for on-demand use. This is also the origin of shared type, which is the CPU resources on shared physical hosts. Therefore, the cost performance ratio is extremely high. It is 394 yuan a year. It is recommended to purchase 1182 yuan for three years at a time. Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, starts from 50 yuan.

2. Detailed configuration parameters of Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instance

Alibaba Cloud shares the hardware configuration of basic xn4: processor: 2.5 GHz Intel Xeon E5-2682 v4 (Broadwell), with DDR4 memory, multiple processors and memory ratios.

Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instances are suitable for the following production environments: web application front-end machines, light load applications, microservices, and development and test pressure test service applications.

The above two concepts are officially provided by Alibaba Cloud, which is a bit obscure for us. Lao Wei's understanding is that for personal blogs, Alibaba Cloud shared xn4 instances are sufficient at the initial stage, and can be upgraded smoothly when traffic is high, without the need for mobile websites and databases.

3. How to find an AliCloud shared basic xn4 instance

Alibaba Cloud servers are distributed in detail on the official website. We can't understand the meaning of many types, and we dare not choose randomly. So Lao Wei purposely posted the direct access link below for easy access:

Click me to access Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instance

Remember to find the 1-core 1G 40G system disk in the performance balancing configuration after entering. Generally speaking, this configuration can support 3000 IP/day visits. If the number exceeds this number, consider whether to upgrade the configuration according to the actual situation. The upgraded configuration does not need to move the website.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Shared Basic xn4 Instance Details and Use Suggestions
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/8149.html
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