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Is AliCloud server suitable for the Northeast? Which region is fast?

AliCloud servers are suitable for lines in Northeast China What are they? Which region is faster to choose AliCloud in Northeast China? Some netizens often ask that before purchasing Alibaba Cloud servers, what we care about is the server region in addition to the configuration. Today, Weiaisi Blog will analyze the routes that Alibaba Cloud servers are suitable for the Northeast.

1. AliCloud region

From the perspective of geographical location, Alibaba Cloud North China 2 Beijing node is the closest to the northeast, and the location of Beijing is also extremely important in the country. There is no problem with network connectivity. Further options are AliCloud East China 1 Hangzhou node and East China 2 Shanghai node. Why does Lao Wei provide these two nodes as alternatives? Hangzhou and Shanghai are located in the east coast, probably in the middle of our country. These two cities are key Internet cities that have been built, and their networks are extremely developed. Everyone knows that we have problems with north-south connectivity. Considering the maintenance of webmasters and the speed of visitors' opening, it's better to place the website at these two nodes.

In addition, the current cloud servers use BGP machine rooms, which are also multi line interconnection machine rooms. In China, there are telecommunication, China Unicom, China Mobile and other lines. When visitors visit your website, they will automatically choose the fastest route according to the actual situation, so that users of all operators can achieve the best access speed.

Based on the above analysis, as the project operation and maintenance, you should consider where the main visitors are when selecting the server? If there are many people in the north, Alibaba Cloud North China 2 Beijing node is the best choice, which can achieve the fastest speed for both operation and maintenance personnel and visitors; If the visitors are all over the country, Alibaba Cloud East China 1 Hangzhou node and East China 2 Shanghai node will be given priority. These two nodes have no pressure to serve the domestic market, and they give consideration to both the north and the south; If the visitors are mainly from the south and the southwest, it is better to give priority to Alibaba Cloud South China 1 Shenzhen node. Friends who have not received vouchers, Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, starts with a deduction of 50 yuan.

Of course, the popular CDN acceleration technology can make regional selection no longer a pain point. See the related knowledge at the bottom.

2. Ping test

Let's take a look at the ping value of Unicom 100M optical fiber.

The most representative of Alibaba Cloud North China is the North China 2 Beijing node

The ping value of Alibaba Cloud East China 1 Hangzhou node has always been stable, fluctuating up and down for 1 ms. It is estimated that this is caused by the local network and routing transit.

AliCloud East China 2 Shanghai node. Alibaba Cloud, a big business, aims to be fast and stable on its home page. Compared with Hangzhou nodes, the gap of 2ms can be ignored. In terms of opening speed, 2ms can't feel it at all.

South China 1 Shenzhen node is far away, so the ping value is higher.

The results obtained by Lao Wei were tested with local broadband, which does not mean that the same is true of your local test. You can test it locally. The ping test is based on the local test results, and it is a transient dynamic result.

For example, if you ping the test results in Shenzhen, the results must be the lowest for Alibaba Cloud South China 1 Shenzhen node, and the highest for Alibaba Cloud North China 2 Beijing node. This is the difference caused by different geographical locations. This is explained to the novice. I hope I can understand the meaning.

3. Cost performance

The price of domestic regional nodes of Alibaba Cloud Server is the same at present, which is a unified price, and will fluctuate downward when encountering activities. Friends who have not received vouchers, Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, starts with a deduction of 50 yuan. As one of the largest cloud servers in the domestic market, Alibaba Cloud servers are also commendable in terms of speed and stability. You can choose a region according to your own needs by referring to this article.

4. CDN acceleration

The current popular CDN acceleration service is to distribute your website content to CDN nodes all over the world through CDN acceleration servers. When visitors visit the website, they will automatically guide to the nearest CDN node to obtain the fastest access speed. No matter which regional node is selected in China, the website will obtain extremely fast access speed throughout the country. Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, starts with a deduction of 50 yuan. AliCloud CDN, like many CDN services in China, provides extremely fast access humidity and a considerable degree of anti DDOS traffic attack services with high cost performance.

Based on the above, in order to select AliCloud servers in the Northeast, you need to find a suitable regional node between the operation and maintenance personnel and visitors to provide services. In this article, you can find the basis for how to select AliCloud servers. To learn more about Alibaba Cloud, please go to AliCloud server

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Article name: AliCloud Server is suitable for lines in Northeast China? Which region is fast
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/8011.html
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