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Alibaba Cloud Relational Database RDS 4, MySQL 5.7 Basic Edition, 1-core, 1G, 20GB, 99 yuan/3 months

Alibaba Cloud is not only deeply established in the cloud server field, but also brilliant in the cloud database field. After the hot summer ushered in the cool autumn, our Alibaba Cloud relational database Once again, there is a promotional event: HP goes to the cloud, and MySQL 1 core 1G costs only 99 yuan for three months. After the RDS 4 discount configuration is optional 1 real name authentication, users who purchase cloud database RDS for the first time can choose one of the following discount configurations, limited to one, and the original price will be restored for the second one.

The following are the specific configurations and prices

1. MySQL recommends buying a 3-month package because it is more cost-effective.

MySQL 5.7 basic version, 1-core 1G 20GB storage, 39/month, 99/3 months;

MySQL 5.7 basic version, 1-core 2G 20GB storage, 59/month 159/3 months;

MySQL 5.7 basic version, 2-core 4G 20GB storage, 119/month 319/3 months;

SQL Server Web version, 2-core 4G (exclusive) 20GB storage, 119/month 519/3 months;

Click me to get it It is more cost-effective to purchase the gift package of AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher after purchase. AliCloud 100+products can be deducted from 50 yuan.

2. NoSQL database 5 folded

After any real name authentication is selected for the preferential configuration, users who purchase Redis or MongoDB for the first time can select one of the following preferential configurations, and the original price will be restored from the second one. ApsaraDB for Redis is a memory database service compatible with the Redis protocol, which can meet the business needs of high read-write performance scenarios and flexible capacity changes. It is commonly used in audio, video, games, live broadcast and other industries. The MongoDB version of cloud database supports two deployment architectures, ReplicaSet and Sharding, and has multiple enterprise capabilities, such as security audit and point in time backup. It is widely used in the Internet, Internet of Things, games, finance and other fields.

Redis 4.0 dual copy 1G master slave version, 59/month 159/3 months;

MongoDB single node 1-core 2G 20GB storage, 69/month 179/3 months;

Click me to get it It is more cost-effective to purchase the gift package of AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher after purchase. AliCloud 100+products can be deducted from 50 yuan.

The above packages can only be purchased in South China 1, North China 2, East China 1 and East China 2.

3. In addition, there are more recommendations for big data to precisely match business needs

MySQL 5.7 high availability version, 1-core 1G20GB storage, high security level, guarantees database security, multiple deployment architectures, meets the requirements of multiple types of availability, and years of operation and maintenance experience of Alibaba Cloud experts is productized, eliminating 90% of the operation and maintenance troubles. RMB 1591.20/year, RMB 280.80, RMB 156.00/month
"MySQL is one of the most popular open source databases in the world. As an important part of LAMP, it is widely used in various application scenarios."

Redis 256M master slave version 10MByte has a maximum bandwidth of 10000 maximum connections, which can solve complex command timeout, fault second level link switching and more than 10000 level production library measurement, 7 * 24h expert escort full link monitoring, visual data management operation and maintenance platform, and can save ¥ 255.00/year and ¥ 45.00/month
"ApsaraDB for Redis is compatible with the Redis protocol standard and provides persistent memory database services."

Self developed relational database POLARDB2 core 4G exclusive specification, the performance and service of commercial database enjoy the benefits of open source database, which is fully compatible with MySQL, and the performance is improved by 6 times, and the annual cost is ¥ 5712.00, and the annual cost is ¥ 1008.00, ¥ 560.00/month
"The cloud database POLARDB is a cloud database service developed by Alibaba Cloud itself, which combines the characteristics of stable, reliable, high-performance, and scalable commercial databases, as well as the advantages of open source databases such as simplicity, openness, and low cost."

Click me to get it It is more cost-effective to purchase the gift package of AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher after purchase. AliCloud 100+products can be deducted from 50 yuan.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Relational Database RDS 4 Folds MySQL 5.7 Basic Edition 1-Core 1G 20GB Storage: 99 yuan/3 months
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/7954.html
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