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Linux Server Security Dog Uninstallation Tutorial

When you need to uninstall the Linux server security dog software, first check the security dog folder name with the ls command, because the version we installed is not necessarily the same.

Netizens who have been following this blog know that the ls-l command is the most frequently used command when we SSH connect to VPS.

ls -l


We can see that the name of the currently used security dog directory is in the red box. Use the cd command to enter this folder.

cd safedog_linux32_2.8.16709

Use the chmod command to elevate permissions.

chmod +x uninstall.py

Run the uninstall command last



Would you like to back up the files of isolation? The blogger selects n and enters, and the program automatically starts the unloading process.


When you see Unistall completely, it indicates that the uninstallation is completed. But we haven't finished our finishing work yet.

Next, delete the installation directory of the security dog and say goodbye completely. Use ls - l to view the security dog directory name, right-click to copy the directory name and paste it after the rm command, and then use the rm - rf directory name command to completely delete it. At this time, you can use the ls - l command to check that there is no more. In this way, our work will be completely completed.


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Article name: Linux Server Security Dog Uninstallation Tutorial
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/782.html
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