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The difference between Alibaba Cloud traffic light application server and light application server and how to choose them

Recently launched Alibaba Cloud traffic light application server It is very popular because it meets the actual needs of many people and meets the needs of customers Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server It's hot again. So some webmasters are hesitant when choosing. Should I choose traffic type lightweight application server or lightweight application server? What is the difference between the two? Next, Weieis Blog will analyze the difference and relationship between the two types to help you quickly select lightweight application servers.

1. Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server

When Alibaba Cloud ECS was first launched, newcomers had to resolve domain names, bind them, add websites according to the environment package, and so on, because they were too complicated to start with. For newcomers who had never met with it, it was like a book in heaven (Old Wei felt this way when he first contacted Linux servers). So he launched Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers, That is, all the above associated operations can be integrated into the management background of the lightweight application server. One click operation makes it easy for novices to get familiar with Alibaba Cloud servers in the shortest time. Alibaba Cloud official website said: Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server is a one minute ECS, which is simple and easy to use. Now it is true.

Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server is also a variant of Alibaba Cloud ECS, which is more consistent with the usage habits of some people, easier to use, and does not require too long learning time, allowing you to devote more time and energy to website and project operations.

2. Alibaba Cloud traffic light application server

In the process of promoting the use of Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers, many websites and projects will be flooded with traffic for a period of time due to emergencies, such as activities, discounts and promotional activities. After the traffic returns to normal, the original lightweight application servers will not be able to meet this sudden performance demand, Therefore, Alibaba Cloud traffic based lightweight application server is launched to meet market demand.

Alibaba Cloud traffic based lightweight application servers have broken the fixed bandwidth billing model by using traffic packet billing to improve the speed of sudden access and reduce the cost of use. The speed of sudden access can be increased by up to five times and the cost can be saved by up to 50%.

Increase the speed of burst access: the network peak bandwidth is increased, and the access speed is 5 times higher than the original maximum
Reduce the use cost: compared with the original bandwidth packet billing method, the traffic packet billing can save up to 50%
The fixed traffic cost is predictable: large amount of free traffic packages are provided every month to meet the traffic demand of 99.9% of users

The traffic package configuration launched by the traffic type lightweight application server meets the traffic demand of more than 99% of users, and the excess is 0.8 yuan/GB. New play method:

Play 1: Members will pay 50% off annually for the first purchase (coupons cannot be stacked);

Play 2: A discount of 8.5% will be paid annually for new purchase orders (which do not meet the initial purchase of members), and the full amount of coupons will be used after the discount

To understand the price of traffic light application server, please go to Alibaba Cloud traffic light application server 1 core 1G/3M bandwidth/500G traffic/40G SSD/1140 yuan/2 years

The following is a summary of the types of Alibaba Cloud lightweight application servers on sale on the Weieis blog. Among them, 60 yuan/month is the old lightweight application server, and the other four models with the words "peak bandwidth limit" are all new traffic lightweight application servers, which are purchased according to your actual situation.

The voucher purchase is to get an AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher, which can be used to offset the purchase of AliCloud 100+products. It is very affordable.

be careful: It must be at least 3 months to purchase an ECS. If it is less than 3 months, website filing cannot be performed in mainland China!

60 yuan/month 95 yuan/month 145 yuan/month 260 yuan/month 360 yuan/month
CPU 1 core 1 core 1 core 1 core 1 core
Memory 1GB 1GB 2GB 4GB 8GB
bandwidth 1M bps Peak limit 3M bps Peak limit 5M bps Peak limit 8M bps Peak limit 10M bps
SSD hard disk 20GB 40GB 40GB 60GB 80GB
Monthly traffic 500GB per month 1000GB per month 1500GB per month 2000GB per month
Direct link Click me directly Click me directly Click me directly Click me directly Click me directly

From the above analysis, we can see that the traffic based lightweight application server is also a variant of Alibaba Cloud's lightweight application server. It was introduced to meet the needs of more users, but some users still cannot use this type of burst peak bandwidth limiting, so the entry fee is reserved.

The entry of Alibaba Cloud traffic light application server is on the front page of Alibaba Cloud official website, Products>>Light Application Server. Click Enter to see it.

From the above analysis, we can see that Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server and traffic based lightweight application server are both variants of Alibaba Cloud ECS server. According to the needs of users, they can be changed to the form of cloud server that is more consistent with the operating habits and easier to use. Both novices and veterans can build websites and projects in the shortest time.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Traffic based Lightweight Application Server and Lightweight Application Server: Differences and Selection
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/7704.html
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