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Zhejiang buys AliCloud servers in East China or South China

Zhejiang buys AliCloud servers in East China or South China What about? For friends who are hesitant to buy a server, this is really a problem. Weieis Blog analyzes how to choose by selecting regions, simple evaluation, cost performance and other different perspectives.

1、 Select Region

1. Zhejiang is located in the east of China, and its economy and Internet development are among the top in China. If the website or project serves local or nearby areas in Zhejiang, it is right to choose AliCloud East China 1 Hangzhou node. Hangzhou node is the location of Alibaba Cloud headquarters and Alibaba Group headquarters. It is a famous Internet city, and its Internet distribution and configuration are among the best in China.

2. If the website and project mainly serve southern regions, such as Guangdong, Shenzhen, Hunan, Fujian and other provinces and regions, then Alibaba Cloud South China 1 Shenzhen node will be more ideal. We all know that from the perspective of geographical location, the closer the visitor is to the server, the faster the page will open.

3. If it serves visitors from all over the country, the North China 2 Beijing node, East China 1 Hangzhou node and East China 2 Shanghai node can be considered. The geographical location and importance of these nodes need not be detailed, and there is no pressure to serve the whole country.

2、 Simple evaluation

The ping value of Alibaba Cloud East China 1 Hangzhou node has always been stable, fluctuating up and down for 1 ms. It is estimated that this is caused by the local network and routing transit.

Alibaba Cloud East China 2 Shanghai node pings the same result as Hangzhou node. Alibaba Cloud, a big business, is also known for its speed and stability.

At the North China 2 Beijing node, the natural ping value will be lower near the local computer.

South China 1 Shenzhen node

3、 Cost performance

The cost performance ratio of Alibaba Cloud has been very low. Take Alibaba Cloud's cloud computing for example, it has reached 30 yuan/month. The price is really affordable.

Before you buy AliCloud servers, you should first get AliCloud Lucky Voucher. You can enjoy different discounts and discounts when you first purchase 100+AliCloud products.

Alibaba Cloud has always been known for its stability and speed, accounting for more than 50% of its domestic cloud products. Recently, Alibaba Cloud has also often carried out promotional activities. It will save money if interested friends get the vouchers first and then buy them.

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Article name: Zhejiang Buys AliCloud Server in East China or South China
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/7636.html
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