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Where is the LNMP installation directory


Lnmp is one of our commonly used php environments, which is easy to learn and powerful. that Lnmp installation directory Where is it? The following is the common lnmp installation directory. I hope it can help you.

Nginx directory:/usr/local/nginx/
MySQL directory:/usr/local/mysql/
Directory of MySQL database:/usr/local/mysql/var/
MariaDB directory:/usr/local/mariadb/
The directory of the MariaDB database:/usr/local/mariadb/var/
PHP directory:/usr/local/php/
PHPMyAdmin directory: The 0.9 version is/home/wwwroot/phpmyadmin/1.0 and later versions are/home/wwwroot/default/phpmyadmin/It is strongly recommended to rename this directory to a name that is not easy to guess. Phpmyadmin can download a new version for replacement from the official website.
Default website directory:/home/wwwroot/version 0.9 and later/home/wwwroot/default/
Nginx log directory:/home/wwwlogs/
/The directory of the virtual host configuration file added by root/vhost.sh:/usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost/
PureFtpd directory:/usr/local/pureftpd/
PureFtpd web management directory:/home/wwwroot/default/ftp for version 0.9/home/wwwroot/default/ftp for version 1.0/
Proftpd directory:/usr/local/proftpd/
Redis directory:/usr/local/Redis/

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Article name: Where is the LNMP Installation Directory
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/739.html
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