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Reset The plug-in restores the initial state of the WordPress database

Reset plug-in It is mainly used to perform a "zeroing" operation for WordPress, also called initialization, that is, to clean up the installed data. In this way, the tedious process of reconfiguring the website can be avoided.

1、 Why use the Reset plug-in?

In the process of learning to use the avada template, many people often encounter errors when using Demo demo data, prompting installation failure. Before reinstalling Demo data, they need to use the reset reset plug-in to reset WordPress. You can also initialize WordPress with the reset plug-in before changing the theme, and then install Avada theme and Demo data. Or when the theme is not uninstalled cleanly, use the reset plug-in to clean it up.

Using the Reset plug-in saves the tedious steps of reinstalling wordpress, saves time and effort, and improves work efficiency.

2、 How to use the Reset plug-in?

Take the Reset WP plug-in as an example. After Wordpress background search and installation are enabled, enter reset in only one space, and then click the Reset button to restore the WordPress database to the initialization state just installed. After execution, WordPress will become English.

The operation is too simple. I can understand it at a glance.

3、 How to select the Reset plug-in

There are many reset plug-ins in WordPress, most of which are free and operate basically the same. Select the ones that are updated recently and used by many users. Common ones are Reset WP, Advanced WordPress Reset, WordPress Reset, etc.

4、 How the Reset plug-in works

Briefly describe the working principle of the Reset plug-in. WordPress website consists of program files and database. When installing theme demo, it is easy to cause installation failure due to various reasons. At this time, the best way is to initialize WordPress and reinstall Demo.

The Reset plug-in will restore the WordPress database to the state just installed. After reset, the site's articles, pages, categories, labels, settings, etc. will be restored to the same state as when WordPress was installed for the first time. Therefore, you must consider whether to back up the database before operation.

Of course, the Reset plug-in does not delete files, but only cleans the database. After the Reset operation, the theme file, plug-in file, picture, program, etc. are still in the status of not being enabled. For example, after resetting with the Reset plug-in, the images of the website are still on the server, but they cannot be seen in the WordPress background media library. This is caused by the cleaning of the database content.

So the Reset plug-in does not empty the database, but restores the database to the initial state of WordPress. This also saves time and effort to speed up the installation and installation of Demo.

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Article name: Reset Reset Plug in Restores the Initial State of WordPress Database
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/7350.html
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