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How does AliCloud Shanghai server make access to Beijing faster

Netizen server Alibaba Cloud Shanghai Some visitors in Beijing said that their visit was slow. How to solve this problem? Regionally, Beijing and Shanghai are both within the range of Alibaba Cloud nodes, and they can access each other very quickly. However, it does not rule out that some Beijing broadband networks are slow, such as Chang Kuan and Dr. Peng. Then we can't ask visitors to change the broadband of China Unicom and China Telecom. We can only find ways from our own servers.

Shanghai itself is not far away from Beijing, and the ping value of the visit is not high. For example, if you ping Alibaba Cloud Shanghai node in Beijing, the delay will not exceed 50ms. Similarly, the number of pings from Shanghai to Beijing node is the same. The best way is to add North China 2 Beijing node servers. Of course, this cost is too high for most small and medium-sized websites. If it is not convenient to add new hosts, CDN acceleration is the best choice.

Briefly describe the principle of CDN. CDN is to publish the content of the server to CDN servers all over the country through synchronous distribution, so that when netizens from all over the country visit your website, the CDN network can arrange access to the nearest server, which is equivalent to reducing the access delay and improving the visitor experience.

CDN acceleration can be divided into two types: free and paid. The difference is that the number of CDN acceleration server nodes available is different. Free traffic is limited to a certain extent, and paid traffic is more. There are free and paid https traffic, while Baidu Cloud Acceleration paid version also has additional SEO optimization functions.

Generally speaking, free CDN acceleration traffic is enough, while AliCloud CDN traffic is also super cheap when it is used for activities. The domestic traffic package is 100G/year/20 yuan (http traffic). If your website uses the SSL certificate of https, you need to purchase an additional value-added service https request package, starting at 10 million times/year/40 yuan, which is enough for ordinary small websites.

Click again to get exclusive use of this blog AliCloud thousand yuan voucher From 50 yuan for a hundred products, you can use vouchers to buy 100+products of Alibaba Cloud, which is equal to a discount.

The purchase link of AliCloud CDN can be found in AliCloud background>>Products>>Storage and CDN>>CDN.

If you use an AliCloud ECS server with your own AliCloud CDN, the website access speed will be increased.

The disadvantage of CDN acceleration is that if you update pictures and text in the background of WordPress, you may not see the updated content in the foreground page immediately. You need to wait for CDN to automatically cache the new content on servers around the world before you can see it. If you are anxious, you can also manually force the cache to refresh.

So in order to improve the speed of domestic remote network access, the most cost-effective way is to speed up the CDN, with the highest cost performance and immediate results.

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Article name: How AliCloud Shanghai Server Makes Access to Beijing Faster
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/6822.html
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