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How to solve the problem that the remote desktop of Windows server cannot be copied and pasted

The remote desktop of a Windows server with netizens cannot be copied and pasted. The specific situation is that copying text on the remote desktop and pasting again is blank (the pasting option is grayed out and is not optional). This situation is not troublesome to solve. Next, Weieis Blog will operate it. I hope that netizens who encounter this problem can successfully solve it.

Old Wei has the English version of Windows 2012 server in his hands, and all the options of the Chinese version are in the same place. If you can understand the meaning, it's OK.

The fastest and most effective way is to restart the server, but we all know that there are websites running that are inconvenient to restart, so the following methods may solve your urgent needs.

1. Please ensure that the clipboard resource is turned on in your Windows Remote Desktop settings before operating.

2. Log on to the Windows remote desktop and connect to the server. Right click the bottom task bar and select Start Task Manager.

3. The Chinese Windows server system selects the process in the task manager interface and finds the rdpclip.exe process. The English version of Lao Wei is called RDP Clipboard Monitor.

4. After selecting the process, click End task in the lower right corner, then click File>>Run new task in the upper left corner, enter rdpclip.exe, and confirm to create a new RDP Clipboard Monitor process.

In this way, the copy and paste command can be used normally without restarting the server.

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Article name: How to solve the problem that Windows server remote desktop cannot be copied and pasted
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/6686.html
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