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Record the process of work order/telephone communication with Tencent Cloud customer service

When the website encountered a problem, he sent a work order to the customer service of Tencent Cloud for inquiry. From the beginning to the final solution of the problem, Lao Wei recorded the whole process of work order/telephone communication with the customer service of Tencent Cloud, hoping to provide some reference for beginners who initially contacted the operation and maintenance of ECS.

No matter which ECS we use, it is inevitable to contact customer service. There are generally two ways to contact customer service. Overseas IDC usually issues work orders, but there is no customer service phone number; The domestic work order will be sent first, and I will call you if I have any questions. From this point of view, it is better for domestic cloud service providers to have a better experience. Many things can be expressed in a few words, and work orders need to be issued in organizational language. The advantage of the work order is that it can coordinate the response time. It is impossible to solve the problem immediately on the phone. There are intervals when the work order comes back. The customer service can use this time to coordinate the relevant departments to solve the customer's problem, which will give the user a better experience.
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Let's talk about the problem with Weiaisi's blog. In the morning, he submitted the website to Baidu webmaster tool for grabbing, but repeated grabbing prompted that the grabbing failed. The abnormal information was captured: DNS could not resolve the IP address, but it was completely normal to visit the front and back of the website. At this time, Lao Wei suspected that it was a problem with Tencent Cloud CDN acceleration or Tencent Cloud CVM server, Then submit the work order to Tencent Cloud for inquiry.

Baidu webmaster tool failed to crawl the website

Baidu webmaster tool captures abnormal diagnosis information

When sending the work order to explain the problem, Tencent Cloud asked for the cloud service instance ID. When explaining the problem, Lao Wei suggested to be brief and comprehensive, say the long pulse, and finally tell the customer service your purpose and needs.

Next, Lao Wei took the initiative to submit the screenshot of Baidu webmaster tool to the work order system as supplementary information.

At this time, there was a call from Beijing. The customer service of Tencent Cloud called to learn about the situation. The customer service said that after checking that the ECS was normal, it might be a DNS cache problem, which would be submitted to the corresponding department for follow-up.

After half an hour, Lao Wei tested Baidu webmaster tool again to crawl the web page, and it showed that the crawl was successful. At this time, another Tencent Cloud customer service call came, saying that the problem had been solved. Let me test it. If there is no problem, confirm to close the work order. Finally, Lao Wei was very satisfied with the work order service and gave a five-star praise.

This is not a serious problem in itself. According to the record of this daily account, what Lao Wei wants to say is that when issuing a work order, as long as you clarify the context and your needs and goals, customer service can quickly help you solve the problem. Do not be sloppy in the work order. If you don't understand the central idea, customer service can't understand what you want in this way of communication, You also think that the customer service ability is too poor. In fact, there is a communication problem.

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Article name: A Record of the Process of Work Order/Telephone Communication with Tencent Cloud Customer Service
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/6220.html
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