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Alibaba Cloud teamed up to buy a special price cloud product, and you can get back up to 10000 yuan when you buy 3000 new products

Recently, several major cloud service businesses in China have been engaged in continuous activities. Next door, Tencent Cloud has just started a mid year cloud product second killing activity, and here it is again AliCloud Mid Year Cloud Gathering Benefits Activities. Anyway, no matter how the big guys compete for the market, it is our webmaster who can get the price reduction and discount. Alibaba Cloud's mid year activities are also very strong.

The event lasted from the end of May to the end of June and lasted for one month. The webmaster who needs it should be ready in advance, choose the cloud service products you want to buy, and then take advantage of the promotional activities to start.

1、 5.28-6.03 · Friends team up to compete for special price · Enjoy the best forecast name after full return

Team up for special price competition. Friends are all on the cloud. Three people can enjoy super low price when they team up. The value of many cloud products on the site is 50% off. Weieis Blog has launched a team plan, and two people are still short of competing for special price cloud products.

Active Object
1. AliCloud official website has registered and completed real name authentication;
2. The same user has one opportunity to initiate a team formation and one opportunity to participate in other teams. As long as one team formation is successful, it will be eligible for special purchase.
Activity time
The event will be held from May 28, 2018 to June 30, 2018, including:
1. From May 28, 2018, the entrance of the team building activity will be open, and users can form a team freely. If three or more people form a team successfully, they will be qualified to purchase the designated special price cloud products;
2. From June 4, 2018, the payment entrance for team building activities will be open. Users who have successfully formed teams can purchase designated cloud products in the "special area for team building and special offer products".
Activity Rules
From the opening date of the activity to the expiration of the activity, users who have successfully formed a team can purchase the designated cloud products at a preferential price through the activity page of "special area for special price products for team building";
2、 It's a very affordable activity to buy a new product of 3000 yuan and return up to 10000 yuan
Full return rule
The calculation rules for newly purchased and fully purchased vouchers are as follows:
• Accumulated newly purchased consumption is 3000-9999 yuan, and 100 yuan voucher will be returned for every 1000 yuan;
• Accumulated newly purchased consumption is 10000-29999 yuan, and 600 yuan voucher will be returned for every 5000 yuan;
• If more than 30000 new purchases are accumulated, 1000 yuan of vouchers will be returned for every 5000 yuan.
According to the above rules, Alibaba Cloud will calculate the amount of refundable vouchers based on the cumulative effective new purchase consumption amount of users in one activity stage. Each activity stage will be accumulated independently. The maximum amount of refundable vouchers in each activity stage is 10000 yuan, and the maximum amount of refundable vouchers in two activity stages is 20000 yuan.
Active Object
1. AliCloud official website has registered and completed real name authentication;
2. The same user can only participate in one new purchase return activity at each activity stage.
Activity time
The event will be held from May 28, 2018 to June 30, 2018, including:
1. From May 28, 2018, the full return activity will be open for registration. During the activity, users can click "Register Now" at any time to participate in the activity;
2. From June 4, 2018, the full return activity will be open to payment, and the user consumption amount will start to accumulate, which can be divided into the following two activity stages:
• June 4, 2018 - June 20, 2018: single product new purchase full return activity;
• June 21, 2018 - June 30, 2018: new purchase of product packages.
Activity Rules
1. From the opening date of the event to the expiration of the event, users can purchase new prepaid cloud products on the AliCloud official website for a period of one year or less (see the definition of "cloud products" for more details). If the cumulative effective new purchase consumption amount of each activity stage reaches 3000 yuan, you can obtain the corresponding amount of AliCloud product vouchers;
2. The amount of cloud products purchased by users in the "special area for special price products", cloud products purchased from other preferential activities on the official website, stored value cards and vouchers, as well as the amount of cloud products upgraded and renewed, are not included in the effective consumption amount of this new purchase full return activity;
3. The vouchers obtained by users participating in this activity will be uniformly distributed to the corresponding Alibaba Cloud account on July 6, 2018;
4. The voucher can only be used by users for newly purchased and upgraded prepaid cloud products under this account, and cannot be transferred or sold. The validity period of the voucher is up to August 31, 2018, and it will be automatically invalidated when it expires;

3、 6.04-6.20 · Sign in every day and draw prizes · Enjoy full return of new products · Group up friends to compete for special price

4、 6.21-6.30 · Two Red Packet Rains a Day · Triple Benefits of the Set Meal · Special Price for Friends

This activity can be summed up in a few words: a number of products can enjoy up to ten thousand yuan at a 50% discount. Team up to get a 50% discount cloud service.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud teamed up to buy a special price cloud product, and you can get back up to 10000 yuan when you buy 3000 new products
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/6211.html
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