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Changing the sitemap plug-in to Google XML Sitemaps and related setting procedures

Talking about WordPress Sitemap plug-in Both new and old webmasters are very interested. After installing the blog, the first step is to configure a sitemap plug-in, which will be automatically updated after the article is published, so that all spiders can easily grab your page. Weiaisi Blog first installed the Baidu Sitemap Generator plug-in in Liucheng. A few days ago, I saw the Baidu webmaster tool's inclusion page didn't come, and wondered what the reason was. I accidentally found that the Baidu Sitemap Generator plug-in's index of blog articles stopped in February 2018, and none of the following was updated, which suddenly dawned on me, Quickly start to reconfigure the sitemap plug-in.

When it comes to the Baidu Sitemap Generator plug-in in Liucheng, I believe that old webmasters are familiar with it. At that time, the index generated by the Baidu Sitemap Generator plug-in was easily included by Baidu, so many webmasters are using it. However, the latest update of this plug-in was three years ago, and it can no longer keep up with the update speed of the WordPress version. This event is probably related to the upgrade of the main version of WordPress at that time. Now that we understand the reason and find the root cause, we can simply change to a mainstream sitemap plug-in- Google XML Sitemaps

Enter Google XML Sitemaps in Wordpress Background Plug in - Installation Plug in to find it. You can see that there are more than one million installations. Click Install and Enable. When writing this article, it was updated to version 4.09, so the following content is based on this version. Later plug-in updates may have different content changes.

 Google XML Sitemaps Plug in

Stop the previously used sitemap plug-in, and then click XML Sitemap in Wordpress background settings to see all settings. It is also the first time for Lao Wei to use this plug-in. I found a circle of relevant tutorials online, which are all old versions more than 10 years ago. The latest version has changed too much to refer to, and the settings page is too long to upload screenshots.

The generated sitemap address can be seen at the top of the entire setting page. You can copy and paste it to the bottom of your website robots.txt (refer to the robots.txt of Weieis blog), which is for search engine spiders. Other settings Old Wei changed the following according to his feeling:

1、 Log priority

Lao Wei chose not to use the default priority calculation. All logs will have the priority set in the "Priority" setting. My understanding is to make all logs have the same weight.

2、 Sitemap content

Except for archive page, author page and custom form URLS, all others are checked. I don't know whether to retrieve the archive page. I don't want to generate a sitemap for the time being. I don't need to explain anything else.

3、 Change Frequencies

Here is mainly the update frequency setting of the sitemap, which is detailed to the home page, log page, independent page, classification, archive, tag page, and author page. The update frequency of the above items is determined according to the update of your personal articles. There is no uniform standard for each website.

After all the settings are completed, click the update settings at the bottom, and the Google XML Sitemaps plug-in will automatically update all the sitemaps on your website. It will succeed in a few seconds, which is really convenient and fast.

For more configurations of this plug-in, if you have different opinions, Lao Wei expects you to leave a message below to discuss and learn together.

After replacing the new sitemap plug-in, Lao Wei uninstalled the original map plug-in. He used F12 to observe that the network loading speed has increased to a certain extent. According to the statement on the network that the Baidu Sitemap Generator plug-in occupies a large amount of resources, it is better to replace it earlier.

Postscript, It shows that Baidu Spider has digested the new sitemap data and put it on the relevant search page, and this transformation has been successfully completed.


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Article name: Changing the Sitemap Plug in to Google XML Sitemaps and Related Settings
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/5588.html
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