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5118 How to seize the business opportunities of blue ocean projects by digging big data for bidding with one click?

Some students see How to use big data to quickly seize the unexpected sidelines and obtain more than 10000 monthly income I know the idea and method of mining blue ocean projects, but I have trouble in actual operation, and I don't know how to solve it. The following is Lao Wei's detailed split idea and solution.

The operation path of such users is divided into the following three parts:

  • How to verify market feasibility
  • How to practice
  • How to expand revenue

In order to implement the whole operation scheme more quickly, we started with SEM bidding directly and observed the sustainability of Baidu's promotion bidding.

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5118 is a necessary SEO optimization tool for webmasters and a new media big data mining platform.
For more information on 5118, see 5118 Topic

1. Observe the continuity of bidding

In China, any project with large profits can find clues in Baidu's bidding, because the projects invested by real gold and silver can never be wrong. Without long-term and sustainable high profit returns, businesses will not continue to invest in advertising.

use 5118 keyword mining The function finds some projects that look good, and after combining Baidu bidding to observe related products for a period of time, if the bidding continues, it indicates that the product has sustainable profitability.

2. How to observe competitive products

Use the 5118 Common words mining In the method of demand project, we found a business opportunity from the 5118 keyword mining of keywords, and then manually went to Baidu to search for relevant advertisements and check the bidding market. But at this time, we found that it would be unrealistic to rely solely on manual non-stop search monitoring for a long time.

To monitor bidding data more accurately and quickly, open 5118 Bidding words website query , input keywords to quickly query which bidding websites put the word on, see which company is putting it on, study the advertising title, bidding copy, landing page layout, design, etc. Since people spend money to put it on, they also have long-term profits, so it is naturally desirable.

See interested bidding companies, and then 5118 Website bidding words query , enter the website to quickly query all bidding keywords of the bidding website, and catch all.

3. Mining more bidding traffic

After finding a project keyword to analyze the bidding situation, you can also use the 5118 Continuous bidding merchants Query which other valuable business opportunity words exist for the same type of project, enter the target word to query, and get more long tail flow words.

5118 The system prompts that the more times of "found bidding", the higher the value of the term's continuous launch. Click "Bidding companies in recent 30 days" and "Number of bidding companies" to view the details and conduct in-depth research on competitive product websites and competitive product words.

4. Select bidding words

If you want to do auction launch, use 5118 Continuous bidding opportunities To assist in screening, select words whose daily search volume is more than 100 (too small means no one searches), less than 2000 (too high means fierce competition).

Number of competing pairs: Observe the number of competing pairs of words that are not too high. The presence of competitive pairs indicates market value, while too many competitive pairs indicate fierce competition and high bidding costs. Comprehensively analyze and judge according to the actual product situation and market situation.

Relevance: select the words with strong relevance to bidding keywords to launch, and the words with clear conversion intention are preferred to avoid invalid clicks and conversions.

Using the tools and methods mentioned above to constantly study the details of competitive advertising is a faster way to obtain traffic.

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Article name: "How to seize the business opportunities of blue ocean projects with 5118 one click auction big data?"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28425.html
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