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Alibaba Cloud ECS server region selection South China 1 where to evaluate

AliCloud server South China 1 node Located in Shenzhen, the whole Guangdong area can have a good wind service And coverage, including in the southern region. Shenzhen and the whole Guangdong region are all super developed regions of the Internet in China , so serving the whole South is not a problem. Compared with the East China and North China lines, the speed of South China 1 serving the north will be slightly delayed, but it is only about 50ms, and the speed of opening the web page is also extremely fast.

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The purchase method is shown in the figure below. Select the configuration that suits you according to your needs. For example, in the figure, select 1-core 1G configuration, and select East China 1 in the right region. East China 1 currently has zone B, zone E, zone F, and zone G (later added to 6 zones). These zones are different machine rooms in the same city of Hangzhou, You can choose or let the system distribute freely. There are two operating systems: Linux and Windows. Click Buy Now to pay through Alipay.

Next, test how AliCloud South China 1 line works.

Guangdong Mobile

Overseas delay

The test content of this article comes from Qin Se, the moderator of Alibaba Cloud Forum. The evaluation is mainly based on TraceRoute test. In domestic regions, it tests whether there is a route bypass phenomenon in the same region, as well as overseas connection performance, combined with the ping delay performance of overseas visits. Overseas regions test the performance of visits to neighboring countries and mainland China, and the Ping delay performance in cooperation with global (including China) visits.

Because of the different geographical locations in China, we have to face up to the differences between the North and South networks and the delay in the interconnection of China Unicom's three mobile networks. The South China 1 line has no problem serving the southern region. If your website visitors are mainly in the south, you can choose this line; If your customers still have access from the north, you'd better consider the East China Line 1. After all, the network speed increase brought by the geographical location is tens of milliseconds, which is reflected in the speed of the website and project opening and running.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud ECS Server Region Selection Where is South China 1 Evaluated
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/4954.html
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