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How to choose AliCloud shared and exclusive cloud virtual hosts?

In Alibaba Cloud's virtual machine products, there are two virtual machines with the same price. One is AliCloud shared virtual host , the other is AliCloud exclusive virtual host The price is 298 yuan/year, so how to choose these two hosts? In this article, Weieis Blog will tell you how to choose.

Relevant knowledge: AliCloud's exclusive cloud virtual machine, shared cloud virtual machine and ECS

Of course Early 2018 Alibaba Cloud exclusive virtual machine activity price reduction Yes, you can see from the purchase page of Alibaba Cloud virtual machine that the first order during the activity period is directly reduced by 100 yuan, and only one is allowed.

After registering an AliCloud account Click me to get AliCloud lucky vouchers (Valid within 30 days). There are different degrees of discounts when you purchase AliCloud products after receiving them.

The following is a comparison of Alibaba Cloud exclusive cloud virtual machine and shared cloud virtual machine according to the configuration. Compare the exclusive cloud virtual machine economic version.

1. Web space: 5G for exclusive use and 2G for shared host. Web space refers to the size of storage space.

2. How much space does WordPress need? A WordPress program+theme+page+article, 200MB of space is enough at the initial stage, especially the enterprise station. If you update content, pictures, videos and other websites frequently, you need more space. For most websites, 2G space is enough for several years, and you can upgrade the host space later if it is not enough.

3. CPU and memory: The shared host is not marked with CPU and memory, which mainly represents the speed and ability of the host to process data.

4. Database: The exclusive virtual machine is 500M, and the shared virtual machine is 200M. The texts of the articles published on the website are saved in the database, and the pictures are saved in the space. 200M is enough for most websites. For example, the current 400 articles on Weiaisi blog, and the database is only a few meters in size.

5. Bandwidth: the exclusive host is 1M, and the bandwidth will affect the speed of website opening; The shared host bandwidth is 100M, which is faster than 1M bandwidth in most cases. This is why enterprise websites with less updated content need to place shared virtual machines. Alibaba Cloud shared virtual machines can be opened at a speed you can't imagine, that is, click to open as fast as you can open your local C disk.

6. Monthly traffic: the exclusive host does not limit traffic, and the shared host is 30G. Traffic means, for example, a video file on the website is 3GB. If you watch it 10 times this month, you will run out of traffic this month. You will close the website until you buy additional traffic.

7. Machine room: Alibaba Cloud only enjoys the economic version of the virtual host. The machine room can be North China 2, East China 1, South China 1, Hong Kong, the United States, and Singapore. Choosing a machine room is to choose the node closest to you and your customers. Being close will reduce the delay time and speed of access, and increase the access experience. AliCloud shared cloud virtual host only provides Beijing machine rooms. In contrast, the independent virtual host can choose more regions.

8. Properties. Exclusive virtual machine means that the client can enjoy the resources of the whole server, which is simple and easy to use, no resource contention, unlimited traffic, and independent IP; The shared virtual machine is a server, where everyone shares resources and bandwidth. For example, two families live in two rooms and one living room, which is crowded.

9. Stability: the exclusive virtual machine is the exclusive server resource, which is more stable without competition; A shared virtual machine is a server resource shared by multiple users, both of which guarantee 99.999% data reliability.

10. Security: exclusive virtual machine provides cloud based DDoS intrusion, defense and website security defense, website trojan killing and website data backup services; The shared virtual machine provides cloud based DDoS intrusion, defense and website security defense services.

11. Speed: Both provide the only eight line BGP backbone network in China, covering the whole network (including Telecom, Unicom and Mobile). However, the above computer rooms also mention more exclusive virtual machine nodes. Access faster near you.

12. System: Both provide Windows and Linux, and both support phpPHP 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5. The exclusive virtual machine supports php7.0 and 7.1 more. Higher version brings higher performance and speed experience. For details, refer to The process of upgrading php5.5 to php7 in the lnmp1.4 environment

13. IP address: The independent virtual machine is an independent IP, which is more conducive to SEO promotion and has higher weight, so it is safer to avoid being involved in attacks due to shared IP; A shared virtual machine is a shared IP address. If a neighbor is punished for doing evil, you may also be implicated.

To sum up, enterprise websites and other websites that rarely update content, pictures and videos (the kind that publishes several articles a year) are more cost-effective for sharing virtual machines, because websites require to display products and enterprises, with less content and faster opening speed; For blogs and article stations that frequently update content, pictures and videos, use an exclusive virtual machine or Alibaba Cloud ECS at the initial stage, and upgrade the host later depending on the situation.

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Article name: How to choose AliCloud shared and exclusive cloud virtual hosts
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/4849.html
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