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Tencent Cloud Access Domain Name Change Filing Data Process Record

A few days ago, Weiaisi Blog had a filed domain name that had expired, so it was deleted without renewal. The whole process is a bit confusing for novices, so Lao Wei recorded it to help friends who need it. The main content of this article is Tencent cloud access domain name change filing Data process record.

Access domain name change filing is actually to add or delete domain names. Why should expired domain names not renewed be deleted for filing? Because the registration uses personal real name identity, if you do not actively delete it, now the network security management is very strict, and later domain names are bought by others to do the site, you may take risks for others, so if there is a domain name in this situation, you must change the registration information in time to avoid trouble in the future.

The steps of change filing are as follows: fill in the filing information, handle the screen photography, submit to the Administration for review, and the filing is completed. Whether you add a new domain name or delete a domain name, the steps are the same.

1、 Prepare data

If you want to file on Tencent's cloud website, you need to prepare the domain name, cloud server and filing materials in advance. Don't mention the domain name. You can register and resolve it yourself. Filing materials Click me directly The official Tencent Cloud document, enter "website filing" to view the official help file.

At the time of filing, a Tencent ECS is required. If you haven't already done so, you can choose the following three promotional activities:

Remember to get a new customer voucher first, and the following two activities can be participated by both new and old users regardless of the difference.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

2、 Fill in filing information

I have already done this step, so I can't take a screenshot. Briefly describe the information to be filled in.

1. Fill in the domain name you want to file, and delete the domain name you don't use.

2. Fill in the name of the website. It is very important here to add new domain names for the first time. If you write personal blogs, shopping malls, forums, and place names, you can't pass the review. According to the experience of Weiaisi Blog, it is better to write lyrics for the website names that are easiest to pass. Don't ask me how I know the website names. Because the website names have been rejected many times by Alibaba Cloud record auditors. If the domain name is added or deleted later, don't change it here.

3. In addition to leaving your own real name information, you also need to fill in an emergency contact number, such as the person who can contact you at the first time in an emergency.

4. Also fill in a website filing information form, sign, take photos, and upload.

5. Both Tencent Cloud and Alibaba Cloud will call you in one working day, confirm that there is no misunderstanding, and immediately pass the information to you. Just tell the auditor who called the truth. There is nothing to say here.

3、 Handle curtain photography

From the screenshot above, we can see that the record has been taken here. The curtain is applied for free with Tencent Cloud, and the filer needs to stand in front of the curtain to take photos and upload photos as required.

After uploading the photos, Tencent Cloud will review whether they meet the requirements, and if there is no problem, the review will be passed soon. Your registered mobile phone and registered email will receive corresponding notifications from Tencent Cloud.

4、 Submit to the Administration for review

Then it will notify the Authority to submit it within 3-5 working days. In fact, within 24 hours, it will send a notification email saying that it has been submitted to the Authority.

The requirements of each provincial administration are different in the review stage of the administration. Some provinces have specific and different detailed requirements, which can be seen on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for filing. As for the audit time, the actual passing time of the Administration is now about 11 to 13 days (20 working days at most), which is the actual operation time that Lao Wei has experienced many times, and may be different in each province.

Added on March 16, 2018: I just received a telephone notice from Tencent Cloud about the review of the case. First, the domestic personal website filing cannot be used as a blog or forum, and cannot involve sales or business. It can only be used to write personal feelings, personal sharing, personal photos and other things. Second, domain name privacy protection must be opened to facilitate Tencent Cloud and the Administration to verify whether the domain name is registered with personal identity. That is to say, although this website filing has been submitted to the Administration for review, if you do not comply with the above two points, you may still be rejected. Since filing in China must meet the requirements, I think it's useless to say anything at this time. Just do it, but it's still quite wordless.

5、 Approved

After passing the review, the Administration will send SMS to the registered mobile phone and email to the registered email. In fact, the registration status of the website in Tencent Cloud Registration Zone will be delayed for about 6~7 hours, which is the same for domestic IDC merchants.

The above is the whole process of Weiaisi Blog accessing the domain name change filing data in Tencent Cloud. If you are a novice who has not operated before, you can prepare the screen and ID card in advance, and take photos as required. It should be no problem to fill in every step according to the prompts.

During the filing period, your mobile phone must always be kept unblocked in case that the auditors of IDC service providers and the auditors of the administrative bureau call to check the information at any time. I once met the auditors of Tencent Cloud who called me, and if no one answered or could not get through, they would reject you to resubmit, delaying the opening time of your website, so you must take big chores with you these days.

In addition, try not to do fast filing, which is easy to lose. And now the inspection is frequent and strict. It takes 2 days to operate by ourselves, and the remaining 10 days are waiting for the review of the Administration. As long as we have filled in all the previous information correctly, the record number will be issued soon.

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Article name: Record of Tencent Cloud Access Domain Name Change Filing Materials Process
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/4684.html
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