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Alibaba Cloud domain names can be purchased at a discount of 50% at the beginning of 2018

It's a great success to start 2018 AliCloud domain name Wish you good luck in the Year of the Dog!

March 1-31:

. cn English domain name special price for the first year is 13 yuan (single order registration ≥ 5);

. com English domain name is as low as 39 yuan in the first year (single order registration ≥ 5);

. xin domain name is as low as 32 yuan in the first year;

Also, the Chinese suffixes of. online,. company, etc. are as low as 30% to protect your Chinese website brand;

And many high-quality platinum domain names 7 fold!

Get Alibaba Cloud Lucky Coupon, and you can enjoy different discounts and discounts when you purchase 20 Alibaba Cloud products for the first time.

Activity Rules
1. Objects
All registered members on Alibaba Cloud's official website can participate.
2. Time
March 1, 2018 - March 31, 2018.
3. Rules
1. Low price registration of Chinese and English domain names
a. The activity price is limited to the registration of common words of each domain name;
b. Including:. com English domain name registration 39 yuan/first year (limited to single order registration ≥ 5) Cn English domain name registration is 13 yuan/first year (the registration amount of a single order is more than or equal to 5), and the total registration amount during the activity period will end when it reaches the limit;
c. The. com and. cn registration privileges are not applicable to the deletion of reservations, and cannot be used together with other privileges such as vouchers and passwords of the same product.
2. Discount of domain name platinum words
a. The activity price is limited to platinum word registration;
b. . xin domain name platinum words 30% off in the first year of registration 10% off for the first year of registration of platinum words of top domain name The first year of VIP domain name platinum word registration is 85% off.
3. All domain names are subject to the order settlement price.
4. The offer of this activity is only applicable within the validity period of the activity. If the payment is not completed within 2 hours after the end of the activity, it will be automatically closed, and the order and preferential price will become invalid. Please settle it as soon as possible within the validity period of the activity.
4. Terminology
1. The "X discount" in this activity refers to the percentage figure obtained by comparing the first year registration price of domain names with corresponding suffixes during the activity period with the daily price of similar domain names registered in the first year during the period without any activity.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud domain names can be purchased at a discount of 50% in the first purchase season of 2018
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/4498.html
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