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Where is East China 2 in Alibaba Cloud ECS server region/evaluation

Alibaba Cloud ECS servers in East China are divided into East China 1 and East China 2, corresponding to Hangzhou and Shanghai respectively. I said earlier Where is AliCloud ECS server East China 1/evaluation This time, let's evaluate Alibaba Cloud ECS East China 2.

As mentioned earlier, Alibaba Cloud Server East China 2 is actually in the Shanghai machine room. The IP addresses of East China 2 are relatively new. If you find that East China 2 shows Beijing in some IP databases, it is not updated because it is directly connected to Shanghai. Shanghai is the backbone network of the southern region and also the backbone node of the international network. It can be used as the transit of international routes, and can also serve Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places. At present, AliCloud East China 2 has four zones.

Recommended service region: East China, dominated by Shanghai, provides multi line BGP backbone network lines. The network capacity covers all provinces and cities in mainland China, achieving stable high-speed regional access to mainland China.

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The purchase method is shown in the figure below. You can select the configuration that is suitable for you according to your needs. For example, the 1-core 1G configuration is selected in the figure, and the region on the right is East China 2. At present, East China 2 has four zones, all of which are different machine rooms in the same city in Shanghai. You can choose them or let the system freely distribute them. The operating system has two platforms, Linux and Windows. Click to buy now, Alipay or Ant Flower Pay (next month's payment) can be used.

The evaluation results are as follows:

Anhui Mobile Network:

Fujian Telecom:

Overseas line delay:

On the whole, Alibaba Cloud ECS server East China 2 is ideal for connection speed at home and abroad, mainly because it is stable in use. In addition, the speed of accessing the East China 2 computer room is very fast in both the north and the south, which has a lot to do with the geographical location of Shanghai.

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Article name: Where is East China 2 in Alibaba Cloud ECS Server Region/Evaluation
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/4180.html
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