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The lnmp1.4 user updates the Let's Encrypt SSL certificate renewal rules in a timely manner

In version 1.4 of lnmp1.4, let's Encrypt is added as an SSL certificate option, which greatly facilitates the majority of Linux host users to add SSL certificates. Let's Encrypt is valid for 3 months by default. Lnmp1.4 uses certbot to Let's Encrypt Renewal Generally, the SSL certificate will be automatically renewed before the expiration of 90 days. However, due to the recent update of Let's Encrypt's certbot program, some parameters have changed, which may lead to SSL certificate renewal failure.

Recently, a netizen received an official email indicating that his https certificate was about to expire. It happened that he was using the version of lnmp1.4, so he took this opportunity to talk about how to renew Let's Encrypt. It is recommended that users who install LNMP 1.4 before August 23, 2017 update crontab rules and lnmp management scripts.

Automatic update command:

wget -O – https://soft.vpser.net/lnmp/ext/fix_renewssl.sh |bash

Just one command.

The current certbot method has been replaced by the acme.sh method in the test version of the military brother's lnmp1.5. After all, the acme.sh method is the most convenient, fastest, and most convenient, because it uses Let's Encrypt's own ACME protocol, which has the most reliable compatibility. Shell scripts are not lazy about the system, and have a good degree of freedom.

Later, Weieisi blog will write about the process of acme.sh installing Let's Encrypt certificate. Now there are many free certificates, and https is also a big trend. Whether it is an e-commerce trading website or not, if your website is opened by https, it has a certain right to re add factors in search engine SEO, and it is recognized by visitors in terms of security.

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Article name: Rules for lnmp1.4 Users to Timely Update Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate Renewal
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/4158.html
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