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AliCloud Overseas Cloud Independent Virtual Hosts start at 0.8 yuan/day! Hong Kong, the United States and Singapore nodes are freely selected

At the beginning of site building, novices are willing to buy and use cheap and easy virtual hosts. Just bind the domain name, upload the program, and the website can run normally. Now Alibaba Cloud has launched an overseas cloud independent virtual host with high cost performance, which only costs 0.8 yuan/day! Hong Kong, the United States and Singapore nodes can be freely configured. Let's take a look.

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The advantages are: it is easy to build overseas websites without filing; From 0.8 yuan/day for overseas cloud virtual host; Enterprise certified users can save up to 25% in the first order

1. The exclusive economic version is configured as follows: 1 core CPU/1G memory/500M database/1M bandwidth/5G web space/independent IP unlimited traffic/298 yuan/year

Optional regions: Hong Kong computer room (high-speed return/effective coverage of Southeast Asia), Western America computer room (Silicon Valley center/effective coverage of the Americas), Singapore (high-speed return/effective coverage of Southeast Asia)

Operating system: Windows/Linux

Enterprise certified users save 12% in the first order

2. The exclusive inclusive version is configured as follows: 1 core CPU/1G memory/1G database/2M bandwidth/20G web space/independent IP unlimited traffic/128 yuan/month

Optional regions: Hong Kong computer room (high-speed return/effective coverage of Southeast Asia), Western America computer room (Silicon Valley center/effective coverage of the Americas), Singapore (high-speed return/effective coverage of Southeast Asia)

Operating system: Windows/Linux

Enterprise certified users save 25% in the first package year

3. The exclusive professional version is configured as follows: 1 core CPU/2G memory/1G database/2M bandwidth/50G web space/independent IP unlimited traffic/148 yuan/month

Optional regions: Hong Kong computer room (high-speed return/effective coverage of Southeast Asia), Western America computer room (Silicon Valley center/effective coverage of the Americas), Singapore (high-speed return/effective coverage of Southeast Asia)

Operating system: Windows/Linux

Enterprise certified users save 25% in the first package year

4. The exclusive exclusive edition is configured as follows: 2-core CPU/4G memory/1G database/2M bandwidth/100G web space/independent IP unlimited traffic/288 yuan/month

Optional regions: Hong Kong computer room (high-speed return/effective coverage of Southeast Asia), Western America computer room (Silicon Valley center/effective coverage of the Americas), Singapore (high-speed return/effective coverage of Southeast Asia)

Operating system: Windows/Linux

Enterprise certified users save 25% in the first package year

Product advantages:

Speed: 8-wire machine room, the most complete coverage, only 8-wire BGP backbone network in the world, multi line access, full network coverage (covering mainstream operators such as Telecom, Unicom and Mobile)
Stable: 99.999% data reliability, regular multiple data snapshot backups, online backup and database recovery
Security: Cloud security defense, providing cloud based DDos intrusion, defense and website security defense services
Filing: professional and fast filing service, long filing time, full process assistance, so that you can quickly and safely file through the website

What are the advantages of exclusive cloud virtual machine PK against traditional virtual machine?

There is no competition for exclusive resources, and 99.999% reliability;
Independent IP prevents shared IP from being implicated in attacks, which is more conducive to SEO promotion and has higher weight;
Cloud security protection provides cloud based DDos intrusion prevention and website security defense services;
Shared resources Multiple users share resources, with a single point of failure;
The single user of the shared IP has a problem, and the entire server user is affected. The search engine thinks that the quality of the website is not high, and reduces the inclusion level;
Self purchased security software Users purchase security software separately.

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Article name: AliCloud Overseas Cloud Independent Virtual Hosts: RMB 0.8/day! Hong Kong, the United States and Singapore nodes can be freely configured
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/4057.html
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