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New tile movers suggest rational selection and will be notified of replenishment in the near future

Over the past three years, the price of overseas hosts and ECS has become lower and lower, and the configuration has become better and better. A few years ago, a 1G of memory was sold for $20/month by the movers, but now it only costs $5 to $6. It seems that there is no price increase for instant noodles. Weieis Blog today Suggestions for rookies to choose tile movers And the recent notice of bricklayer replenishment.

In recent years, foreign leaders have frequently lowered prices and increased configurations, which has also reduced many costs for users. Old Wei started to use virtual hosts from the beginning of the original website. Gradually, he can also buy foreign VPS hosts with independent IP addresses. Linode and Vultr's frequent price cuts last year have directly lowered the purchase threshold of foreign VPS, making tile removal work a threat to low price VPS. Therefore, since last year, the tile movers have also constantly adjusted their prices and configurations to compete with their peers.

For example, the original OPENVZ scheme of the Bandwagonhost and the old data center have acceptable speed in the daytime, but the speed at night is worse. So the tile movers went to the new Asia CN2 direct line (directly connected to China Telecom). Relatively speaking, the cost is more expensive than that of traditional lines, which is understandable. The official information of the tile movers will pay $19 a year for the entry-level scheme on January 17. It is recommended that we not choose the OVZ scheme (not to switch to the CN2 machine room), but choose the KVM scheme as far as possible, which is faster than OpenVZ in overall performance and can freely switch to the CN2 machine room.

Today's refund policy for tile removal workers is also different from that of the past. Only one refund within 30 days is supported for a new registered account (no refund is allowed after 30 days of registration). Therefore, the selection of host products should be based on actual needs. For example, the annual payment scheme saves money relatively; If you use the monthly payment package for a short period of time (the price is higher than the annual payment).

Several commonly used Bandwagonhost/tile mover VPS configuration schemes are recommended:

programme Memory Hard disk Monthly flow computer room Price purchase
A Configuration 512MB 10GB SSD 500GB Los Angeles CN2 $3.99/month ($29.99/year) Click to buy (Recommended)
B Configuration 1024MB 20GB SSD 1000GB Los Angeles CN2 $5.99 per month ($49.99 per year) Click to buy
C configuration 1024MB 20GB SSD 1000GB OpenVZ 7 machine room $4.99/month ($49.99/year) Click to buy (Recommended)
D Configuration 1024MB 20GB SSD 1000GB KVM 6 machine room $4.99/month ($49.99/year) Click to buy (Recommended)
E Configuration 1024MB 20GB SSD 100GB KVM Hong Kong machine room $9.99/month Click to buy (Hong Kong machine room)
F Configuration 2048MB 40GB SSD 200GB KVM Hong Kong machine room $19.99/month Click to buy (Hong Kong machine room)

Some out of stock opportunities will be replenished in a timely manner.

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Article name: "New tile movers suggest rational choice and will make replenishment in the near future"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/3404.html
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