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Tile mover Hong Kong machine room 1-core 1G/1G bandwidth/100G traffic/$9.99/month

The tile movers released the news a few months ago that New Hong Kong machine room We finally saw the news on the official website yesterday. Let's analyze this Tiler Hong Kong Machine Room Configuration price and cost performance ratio.

See the table below for specific configurations and prices.

1024MB configuration 2048MB configuration
CPU 1 core CPU 2 cores
Memory 1024MB Memory 2048MB
Hard disk 20GB Hard disk 40GB
port 1Gbps port 1Gbps
Monthly flow 100GB Monthly flow 200GB
Number of IP 1 Independent IP Number of IP 1 Independent IP
system Linux system Linux
framework KVM+KiwiVM panel framework KVM+KiwiVM panel
Price: $9.99/month Click me to buy Price: Monthly payment of USD 19.99 Click me to buy

At present, the price of the computer room in Hong Kong is relatively expensive. The minimum configuration is 1 core 1G memory/1G bandwidth/100G traffic. The monthly payment is $9.99, and the annual payment is $99.9. Compared with the computer room in other regions, the price is much more expensive. The 1G bandwidth is generous, but the monthly traffic starts at 100G. This traffic is enough to build small sites. It is estimated that the sites with daily traffic exceeding 1000 will not be enough.

However, the MCX10 machine room used by the tile mover in Hong Kong is directly connected to the mainland, and the speed of domestic access is extremely fast, which is incomparable with other nodes. Hong Kong computer room is preferred for domestic station construction. For Hong Kong machine rooms, 1G bandwidth is a big water pipe, because most VPS in Hong Kong machine rooms have a bandwidth below 3M, and more than 3M is a good configuration.

Latest news: As of the release of this article, the configuration of 9.99USD/month has shown the Out of Stock status. Who made the tile movers so popular? There were not many computer rooms in Hong Kong. I don't know when the next replenishment will be. If you see it in the future, start early.

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Article name: "Tiler Hong Kong Machine Room 1-core 1G/1G bandwidth/100G traffic/$9.99/month"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/2985.html
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