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Introduction to 2017 Tmall Double 11

The 2017 Tmall's Double 11 Event will be launched today. We can see the lottery and red packet drawing activities from our friends' circle and major websites. This game has been popular in the past two years. It is an opportunity for our users to grab red packets and stock up in advance; For businesses, it can promote sales, and Tmall has also attracted popularity, killing three birds with one stone.

1. Tmall robs red packet entrance

Three opportunities a day Click me to grab Tmall's red envelope

2. Activity Rules

Face value of red envelope: cash red envelope: 0.5 yuan, 0.8 yuan, 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 1111 yuan
Starting and ending time of requisition: 00:00:00, October 20, 2017 to 23:59:59, November 11, 2017
Use time of red envelope: 00:00:00, November 11, 2017 to 23:59:59, November 11, 2017

Each user has three chances to draw a lottery every day, and the luckiest one can get a red envelope of 1111 yuan. Weiaisi Blog today drew a 5 yuan store coupon, and will try again later. If we need to buy something during the Double 11, we can also try to draw red packets. If there are other activities in the future, I will share them again.


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Article name: Introduction to 2017 Tmall Double 11 Activities
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/2962.html
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