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Pay $19 a year to enjoy the skills of the tile mover CN2 line and save $10

The front tile mover BandwagonHost sent a message saying that it was new Los Angeles CN2 line The scheme is only limited to Telecom CN2. Many small partners who have experienced speed also sent messages saying that it is indeed much faster than the original MC or QN. You can't have both fish and bear's paw. You can also see that the annual price of the package is 10 dollars more than the original price.

In order to save these money, we can use the KVM scheme VPS host switching machine room function to achieve curve overtaking, which not only uses the CN2 line but also costs no more, but also pays the price of reducing the traffic by two-thirds, from 500G to 180G monthly traffic, which is actually enough for ordinary people.

The practical operation method is as follows:

1. Select KVM package

Memory: 512MB

Hard disk: 10GB SSD

Monthly flow: 500GB

Machine room: 6 machine rooms

Price: $19.99 per year

Purchase address: https://bwh81.net/aff.php?aff=11972&pid=1


2. Switch to CN2 machine room

Select After Purchase Payment (Use Bandwagonhost discount code Save 6%), go to the background and switch to the CN2 line.

After switching, we can enjoy the price of ordinary KVM Tiler CN2 line The speed of. If you are not watching high-definition video, 180G of traffic should be enough.

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Article name: "Paying $19 a year to enjoy the skills of tile movers to save $10 on CN2 lines"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/2894.html
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