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How to disable the Simplified Chinese and English language switcher of WordPress background login page?

After the WordPress 6.0 version was updated, a language switcher was found on the background login page. For example, Weiss notes are in simplified Chinese by default. Click to select English (United States). After clicking the change, the background login page will become English. After logging in, the background still recognizes Chinese by default. This operation mechanism makes people not understand what the official means, If you think this is unnecessary, friends with obsessive-compulsive disorder can use the method in this article to remove this function.

Code disable WordPress landing page language switcher

 add_filter( 'login_display_language_dropdown', '__return_false' );

Add the above line of code to the current theme functions.php file and save the file.

If you visit the WordPress landing page again, you will not see the language switch.

Disable Login Language Switcher Plug in

If you think it is not good to add code to the functions.php file, you can use the Disable Login Language Switcher plug-in to implement it.

In WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in>Search for "Disable Login Language Switcher", install and enable it.

 Disable Login Language Switcher Plug in

In fact, there is only one line of code for this plug-in, which is exactly the same as the pure code above.

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Article name: How to disable the Simplified Chinese and English language switcher of WordPress background login page
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28825.html
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