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WordPress core theme plug-in update management Easy Updates manager

Easy Updates manager is used to manage updates of WordPress core programs, themes, plug-ins, etc. It plays a very important role in WordPress. Before the plug-in, we could only control whether to update the above version by adding code to the php file.

Plug in installation

In the WordPress background>Install Plug ins, search for Easy Updates manager, install and enable it.

General Settings

Here is the main switch. All items can be opened or disabled uniformly.

For example, one click to enable/disable all updates, WordPress core updates, plug-in updates, theme updates, translation updates, etc.

 Easy Updates manager plug-in

Plug in Options

You can enable or disable updates for a plug-in individually.

Theme Options

Enable or disable a topic separately.

log option

You can see the upgrade date and the version to which it is updated, so that you can easily find and solve the problems caused by the update.


The scope of this plug-in management is quite large, as long as WordPress involves updates, it can be managed. It is very convenient to use. Because the code put into function.php will disappear after the file is overwritten, you can use this plug-in for unified management, which is more convenient.

In addition, Lao Wei would like to remind that plug-ins, themes and WordPress core should not be updated randomly, which may easily lead to compatibility problems. You can wait for 1 to 2 major versions, and then confirm that other plug-ins and themes are compatible before updating.

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Article name: WordPress Core Theme Plug in Update Management Easy Updates Manager
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28813.html
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