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WordPress Header Footer Code Plugin WPCode

WPCode is a powerful WordPress code plug-in, formerly called Insert Headers and Footers plug-in, which aims to add code to the WordPress header and footer area without editing the functions.php file of the theme. Later, after the extension function, it also has conditional logic, automatic insertion and other functions. It was not comfortable to add custom code in WordPress, but now WPCode makes it simple.

WPCode plug-in installation and deployment

In the WordPress background>Plug in>Install Plug in, search for WPCode, install and enable it.

 WPCode plug-in installation and deployment

WPCode plug-in function summary

The WPCode plug-in provides a complete solution for inserting header and footer scripts and custom code, instead of installing dozens of plug-ins as before.

WPCode is a plug-in that has enabled more than one million websites, and its functions are still being enriched.

The functions of WPCode plug-in mainly include: header and footer code addition, code snippet library, and generator.

  • It is easy to add header and footer code. Add your code, and you can apply le
  • The code snippet library is integrated with the code snippets commonly used by WordPress, and can be used directly with one click when necessary.
  • The generator creates custom menus, custom sidebars, custom widgets, custom post types, custom categories, and so on.

The following is a complete list of WPCode features:

  • Quick settings
  • Unlimited code snippets
  • Easy to insert header and footer scripts globally
  • Beginner friendly code editor with PHP, JavaScript and HTML syntax highlighter
  • Intelligent code verification to prevent PHP errors
  • Insert header code and/or footer code using conditional logic
  • Add Google Analytics code to the header and footer
  • Add custom CSS code to any theme
  • Insert Facebook pixel code in header and footer
  • Insert any code or script, including HTML and Javascript
  • Insert PHP code snippet
  • Off the shelf code snippet library
  • Custom WordPress snippet generator
  • Display or hide PHP code fragments according to conditional logic
  • Use intelligent automatic insertion rules to run PHP code and custom code fragments anywhere or in selected areas.
  • Manually insert PHP code fragments using simplified code anywhere on the website
  • Automatically add rich text ads and content fragments to posts and pages.
  • Export/import code snippets
  • And more are coming soon.

In addition to adding code snippets in the header and footer, WPCode also has a built-in code library that provides common WordPress code, which can complete some functions that people often need and save related plug-ins.

Lao Wei summarized the following plug-ins that can be replaced:

  • allow SVG file upload plug-in
  • Disable comment plugin
  • Disable the XML-RPC plug-in
  • Disable Rest API plug-in
  • Disable Gutenberg plugin
  • Classic Editor Plug in
  • Disable RSS feed plug-in
  • Disable search plug-in
  • Disable automatic update plug-in
  • Disable the Management Bar plug-in
  • Disable the widget block plug-in
  • Classic gadget plug-in
  • Delete WordPress version number plug-in
  • Facebook Pixel Plugin
  • Google AdSense Plug in
  • User defined article type UI plug-in
  • Other WordPress generator plug-ins

According to the usage habits of foreign trade websites, it is still possible to replace 5~6 plug-ins. Yes WPCode plug-in , you can uninstall those redundant plug-ins, leave more space for the website, and make the database no longer bloated.

This plug-in can be used for a long time. Although it is free, it is updated frequently and has a large user base.

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Article name: WordPress Header Footer Code Plug in WPCode
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28791.html
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