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WordPress Bing URL Submissions

Bing URL Submissions is a plug-in that automatically submits/actively submits URLs to Bing when publishing articles, which can accelerate the inclusion of website pages in Bing search. After filling in the API key in the plug-in, we can submit the URL to Bing automatically and manually instead of submitting it in the Bing webmaster tool every time. It's very convenient.

 WordPress Bing URL Submissions

In the WordPress background>Plug in, install the plug-in, search for Bing URL Submissions, install it now, and enable it.

You can see Bing URL Submissions in the installed plug-ins. Click settings to enter the settings page.

After entering the API key of Bing webmaster platform,

Click the "strat using plugin" button. If there is no problem, you will enter the detailed plug-in setting page. The automatic submission function has been enabled, with a daily limit of 100, and reset to zero at 12:00 every night. This number is enough for ordinary small websites.

In addition to automatically submitting the URL, you can also manually submit the URL. Click submit url, enter the url, and submit again. Similar plug-ins IndexNow , you can also go and have a look.

You can also view how many URLs have been submitted, how many quotas remain, and view the complete report.

This plug-in is still meaningful for websites that do not do Baidu search. Such websites are generally included by foreign search engines, such as Google, Bing, etc.

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Article name: WordPress Bing URL Submissions
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28786.html
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