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Is personal blog an interactive website? Blogs that cannot leave messages are not interactive websites?

If you build a station in mainland China, you must face ICP website filing , and Network security record There is a required item during the filing period. Select whether the website you want to file is interactive or non interactive. For many webmasters in this regard, they don't know what is an interactive website, and is personal blog an interactive website? Is a blog with no message function an interactive website?

The original meaning of an interactive website is that the webmaster and visitors, visitors and visitors can communicate with each other. For example, the forum is a typical interactive website, and any registered user can leave a message for discussion.

By default, personal blogs have the function of registering accounts, commenting/leaving messages. For websites with strong interaction in China, especially WordPress, it is recommended that you take the initiative to cancel the comment function to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by comments.

In addition, in actual operation, It was mentioned that "like" is also an interactive function during the online security record review Many WordPress topics have their own like function, but they haven't gone further because they can't leave messages and have no content after all.

Therefore, if you do what you said above, you will not be an interactive website if you stop the comment and message functions.

In practice, if you submit according to the interactive website, there will be various strict requirements and rules that can hardly pass the review. So you know.

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Article name: Is personal blog an interactive website? Blogs that cannot leave messages are not interactive websites
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28782.html
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