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Pagoda Windows Panel IIS Configuration Optimization

After installing IIS on the pagoda Windows panel, it is not in the optimal state by default. Some configuration and parameter modifications are required to achieve the optimal state.

The tested operating system is WindowsServer 2008 R2, which belongs to an earlier operating system. Now it is recommended to use Windows2012.

It is well known that Windows systems occupy a high proportion of resources, and server operating systems are no exception. The host server configuration is recommended to start from 2-core 4G, and 4-core 8G runs more smoothly.

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Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

IIS Queue Length

After creating a website, click to open the application pool, and modify the queue length in the basic settings according to the access to your website. The default value is 1000 (if the number of visits exceeds 1000 at the same time, they will be denied access and return 503 error pages). If the website concurrency is high, it can be larger. The specific number of changes is irregular, and you need to slowly observe and adjust.

 IIS Queue Length

IIS Recycle Settings

  • Memory limit: 102400KB refers to automatic recycling when the memory usage exceeds 100MB. The default is 0 (unlimited)
  • Request limit: 500 is the current number of active connections, not counting those released. If more than 500, the application pool will be recycled
  • Fixed recovery time: 104400 seconds and 1740 minutes by default. The current recovery time will be automatically recovered after 1740 minutes difference from the next recovery time
  • Daily fixed time recycling: When the number of site visits is low at night, recycling is recommended at 01:05 in the following figure.
 IIS Recycle Settings

IIS Failsafe

It is not turned on by default.

IIS will be restarted if 5 failures are detected within 5 minutes after startup.

IIS Worker Process

  • Maximum working process: every additional process will increase the memory usage by 200M, which will not exceed 50% of the total memory of the server. The default value for multi station is 1.
  • Start time: 90 seconds by default. If the application pool is not started after 90 seconds, check the configuration file
  • Request timeout: 90 seconds by default, a non fixed value, related to server configuration, especially bandwidth. If the file submission information is too long when uploading files and submitting psots, you need to modify the parameters.
  • Idle time: 1200 seconds by default. If no request occurs after expiration, the process will be automatically released. Non fixed value. If the time is too long, the number of server processes will be too many, and the load will rise. Too short time leads to invalid login information, payment timeout, etc.
 IIS Worker Process

IIS Active Process

You can see the total number of connections, memory usage, CPU utilization, etc.

If the load is very high, but you don't know which station has the high occupancy, you can open the active process corresponding to the site to view it, and you can also adjust the maximum work process.

IIS Error Page

If the configuration item of the error page is not opened, the visitor will see the http500 internal server error. If the detailed error page is opened, the specific error URL will be displayed to provide the webmaster with directions for solving problems.

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Article name: Pagoda Windows Panel IIS Configuration Optimization
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28744.html
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