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Another 310 TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS case with too many redirects

Weiss's notes were shared a long time ago The error code 310 TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS redirects too many times The situation that everyone encounters is different. Today, Lao Wei encountered the same help again. After solving the problem, he felt that it was typical, and shared it in the blog. I hope it will be helpful to you.


Similarly, 301 TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS has too many redirects, and the home page cannot be opened, while the background can be opened, but login cannot be performed.

Using Tencent Cloud lightweight application server + Pagoda panel , it is very convenient to build a station.

Lao Wei asked for login information and looked at it in the pagoda panel. SSL certificate has been added, and it is Free SSL certificate applied by Tencent Cloud , everything is normal.

problem analysis

To solve this problem, there are two possibilities, excluding the repeated installation of SSL certificates in the link at the beginning of this article:

  • The target domain name is not resolved
  • The target domain name is not added in WordPress background

In this case, 301 redirects from the main domain name to the www domain name.

Check the domain name resolution result: the main domain name and www domain name are resolved to the server IP.

Then there is only one possibility left.

Problem solving

Go to WordPress background>Settings, and change the WordPress address and site address on the right to the www domain name.

 Another 310 TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS redirect case with too many times


The problem of too many 301 redirects mostly occurs in novices and Xiaobai. In terms of the problems encountered in this article, the main domain name of your pagoda panel must be the same as that of WordPress.

If 301 redirection is set, and the main domain name set in WordPress is not the target domain name, it will naturally fall into the endless cycle of 301 redirection to the main domain name.

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Article name: Another Case of 310 TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Redirection Too Many Times
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28679.html
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