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What should I do if I accidentally shut myself out of the IP plug-in?

Recently, a netizen found Lao Wei and said that he had installed it himself IP2Location Country Blocker After that, I forgot to add my IP address to the white list. As a result, I was unable to log into the WordPress website and asked for solutions.

 The shielded IP plug-in accidentally shut itself out

Analyze problems

Don't panic when encountering this problem. The only problem is that web access cannot be opened, and ftp links are not affected. So we can think of a solution from the aspect of ftp.

solve the problem

Use ftp software to link to the root directory of your website, enter/wp content/plugins, find the plug-in directory, and change the name to log in to the website background normally.

 Find the plug-in directory and change the name to log in to the website background normally

This netizen doesn't know where the root directory of his website is, so please see What is the root directory of the WordPress website You will understand.

At the same time, he installed two plug-ins of the same type at one time, both of which need to be renamed or deleted.

After logging in to the website background, first add your own IP address to the plug-in white list, confirm that you will not be blocked by the plug-in, and then manually restore the changed directory name to its original status.

In addition, most of us use broadband dial-up Internet access. Even if the router is not restarted, it occasionally drops off. At this time, the local IP address changes and is also shielded by plug-ins.

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Article name: "What should I do if I shut myself out of the room accidentally by blocking the IP plug-in?"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28650.html
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